5 Pillars for Business Alignment
What does it take to build an organization that has a commitment to a Culture that will ensure it achieves its full potential?
How do you go about motivating and totally engaging every member of your company to have their commitment to achieve a common Purpose?
Businesses have attempted to address these questions for many years, with a small number finding the answer, but in most cases the mystery continues.
There are Five Key Pillars for any business to enable them to achieve true Business Alignment. They are the foundations of building a business based on growth not just maintaining the status
It takes Courage and Vision for a leader and his/her team to subject themselves and their company to the 5 Pillars for Business Alignment, but the rewards both financially and non financially far
outweigh remaining with the status quo or half-heartedly attempting to change an organization. So, what are the 5 Pillars for Business Alignment and why are they important? It is best depicted by
the following diagram.
Underpinning these five pillars is your team or your people. People surround you in all facets of your business. You canâEUR(TM)t do anything without someone else.
Your people create your culture âEUR" how they work together, what they do, their standards of performance, interpersonal skills and camaraderie. In other words how they fit into your core values, and
how they align themselves to the purpose, vision and mission of your business.
Our model clearly shows that your culture is your business foundation. Everything else is built on this culture therefore your culture must be strong for business success.
On top of a strong culture, you must have clear strategy, strong leadership, effective teamwork, loyal customers and systems that consistently deliver high value results.
A culture that works together in alignment with the five pillars will without doubt provide business success.
The 5 Pillars are distinct components of business alignment and as such are broken in to their separate parts, however for total alignment each pillar should be completed in their relevant order,
as one leads on to the next.
Each of the five pillars is explained in more depth as follows.Strategy Alignment:
The Strategy Alignment Pillar is the first step in building a total business alignment. It gives the business a focus and clarity and enables all team members to identify where the business is
heading and what goals need to be achieved to get there.
The Strategy Alignment Pillar comprises two stages.
Stage 1 deals with defining the CPVMB (Core Values, Purpose, Vision, Mission, Brand Promise) for your organizationStage 2 deals with SAIP (Strategic Alignment Implementation Plan) and SAAP (Strategic Alignment Action Plan) through the setting of Corporate and Business Unit Goals. We finish
with GAS (Goal Action Sheet) to ensure that accountability is known and execution is completed.
How do you go about motivating and totally engaging every member of your company to have their commitment to achieve a common Purpose?
Businesses have attempted to address these questions for many years, with a small number finding the answer, but in most cases the mystery continues.
There are Five Key Pillars for any business to enable them to achieve true Business Alignment. They are the foundations of building a business based on growth not just maintaining the status
It takes Courage and Vision for a leader and his/her team to subject themselves and their company to the 5 Pillars for Business Alignment, but the rewards both financially and non financially far
outweigh remaining with the status quo or half-heartedly attempting to change an organization. So, what are the 5 Pillars for Business Alignment and why are they important? It is best depicted by
the following diagram.
Underpinning these five pillars is your team or your people. People surround you in all facets of your business. You canâEUR(TM)t do anything without someone else.
Your people create your culture âEUR" how they work together, what they do, their standards of performance, interpersonal skills and camaraderie. In other words how they fit into your core values, and
how they align themselves to the purpose, vision and mission of your business.
Our model clearly shows that your culture is your business foundation. Everything else is built on this culture therefore your culture must be strong for business success.
On top of a strong culture, you must have clear strategy, strong leadership, effective teamwork, loyal customers and systems that consistently deliver high value results.
A culture that works together in alignment with the five pillars will without doubt provide business success.
The 5 Pillars are distinct components of business alignment and as such are broken in to their separate parts, however for total alignment each pillar should be completed in their relevant order,
as one leads on to the next.
Each of the five pillars is explained in more depth as follows.Strategy Alignment:
The Strategy Alignment Pillar is the first step in building a total business alignment. It gives the business a focus and clarity and enables all team members to identify where the business is
heading and what goals need to be achieved to get there.
The Strategy Alignment Pillar comprises two stages.
Stage 1 deals with defining the CPVMB (Core Values, Purpose, Vision, Mission, Brand Promise) for your organizationStage 2 deals with SAIP (Strategic Alignment Implementation Plan) and SAAP (Strategic Alignment Action Plan) through the setting of Corporate and Business Unit Goals. We finish
with GAS (Goal Action Sheet) to ensure that accountability is known and execution is completed.