What Kind of Bedding Should I Use for a Bearded Dragon?
- For adult bearded dragons, calcium-based sands or substrates, available at pet stores, rank as one of the safest bedding options for this pet, according to Petco's Bearded Dragon Care Sheet. Spherical in nature and soluble, substrates won't scratch the animal's insides if ingested, and the calcium promotes proper bone growth. Avoid calcium-based sands for baby bearded dragons under six months old, AJAnimalfarm.com warns, as they're more susceptible to impaction, or constipation, which can occur from ingesting the sand.
- Silica-based sands --- used in industrial water filtering, glass-making, sand-blasting and making concrete --- probably rate as the most well-known "sands," but aren't safe for beardies. Inedible and indigestible, these sands hold no minerals that help growth and could cause internal damage or constipation, says Kathryn W. Tosney, a biology professor at the University of Miami.
- Wood chips or shreds are not a suitable bedding.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
The size of shredded wood chips usually inhibits ingestion, but ReptileRescue.com reports that cedar chips can be poisonous to bearded dragons. Not all wood chips packaging discloses the types of wood included, so a bearded dragon owner may unknowingly use cedar chips or shreds. Reptiles need radiating heat to keep their body temperature regulated, but wood chips and shreds don't hold heat as well as sands and other bedding. - Most pet stores carry reptile terrarium carpet, made for safety and ease of use. A soft terrarium floor-covering suitable for all reptiles, it's also highly absorbent and pulls waste below the surface, making for less cleaning for the owner and less discomfort for the beardie.
- Unbleached paper towels are a safe bet.Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
Shredded paper towels serve as a cheap alternative ground covering, according to Petco, although the owner must change them more frequently than other bedding due to the towels' thin, absorbent nature. Paper towels also offer great hiding spots for beardies. - Bearded dragons can be nervous by nature. For a less stressed, and less territorial or "mean" bearded dragon pet, owners should provide a hide area -- such as a reptile-safe shrub or tree, or a rocky or leafy area -- in the bedding. A log or unbleached cardboard hide box can double as a place for your pet to bask in the heat.
Calcium-based Sands
Silica-based Sands
Shredded Wood Chips
Reptile Terrarium Carpet
Paper Towels
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