How to Get the Eighth Gym Badge on ""Pokemon Pearl""
- 1). Enter Sunyshore City and go to the Vista Lighthouse in the southeast and speak with the gym leader, Volkner to make him return to his gym. Go to the northwest section of the city to find the gym entrance.
- 2). This gym has a series of switches that must be pressed to rotate the various pathways so that you can proceed from room to room. The green switches will move their corresponding gears 90 degrees in a counter-clockwise motion, the blues will move their gears 90 degrees in a clockwise motion and the reds will rotate their gears 180 degrees in a clockwise motion. Use these to navigate through the three rooms.
- 3). The gym leader, Volkner, is a lightning trainer and has two lightning Pokemon, Raichu and Luxray. Defeat these with ground-type Pokemon. Defeat his third Pokemon, Octillery, with electric- or grass-type Pokemon and defeat his final Pokemon, Ambipom, with a fighting-type Pokemon.
- 4). Once the battle is over, you will be rewarded with the Beacon Badge.