Do You Want to Get Rid of Skunks Once and For All? Do This!
Skunks are a nuisance.
They get into trash, food, compost and just about anything that you leave outside.
Not to mention the obvious, they smell bad and you have to worry about your pets getting sprayed.
There are a few things you can do to get rid of skunks and make them go away for good! The first thing you should do is get rid of any inviting hiding places that could create shelter or the perfect, cozy home for skunks.
Skunks like small holes and openings.
This is the reason it is recommended that you get rid of wood piles, rock piles, brush piles and any type of pile that would make a skunk blend in and feel safe.
They have also been known to live in open sheds and garages.
If you are serious about wanting to get rid of skunks, you should even remove tree trunks with holes or openings.
Next is the fact that skunks really love to make their home under porches and patios.
This is a very common occurrence.
If you feel that you have a skunk living under the porch, find an exterminator that will get it out.
You don't want to seal a skunk in and have to deal with the smell if it dies.
Once it is out, immediately seal any openings.
Even the ones that you feel are too small for a skunk.
You would be surprised what they can fit through.
If skunks have been in there before, they will look for a way back in.
Be diligent in your efforts.
Skunks are basically lazy opportunists.
They want to be where life is easy.
Get rid of dog food, bbq scraps, your pet's water dish, compost piles and trash they can get into.
Obviously, the trash belongs outdoors, just make sure it is in a very secure container.
Follow these get rid of skunks tips and soon your skunk will find that your house is not any fun anymore and try to find a replacement home.
They get into trash, food, compost and just about anything that you leave outside.
Not to mention the obvious, they smell bad and you have to worry about your pets getting sprayed.
There are a few things you can do to get rid of skunks and make them go away for good! The first thing you should do is get rid of any inviting hiding places that could create shelter or the perfect, cozy home for skunks.
Skunks like small holes and openings.
This is the reason it is recommended that you get rid of wood piles, rock piles, brush piles and any type of pile that would make a skunk blend in and feel safe.
They have also been known to live in open sheds and garages.
If you are serious about wanting to get rid of skunks, you should even remove tree trunks with holes or openings.
Next is the fact that skunks really love to make their home under porches and patios.
This is a very common occurrence.
If you feel that you have a skunk living under the porch, find an exterminator that will get it out.
You don't want to seal a skunk in and have to deal with the smell if it dies.
Once it is out, immediately seal any openings.
Even the ones that you feel are too small for a skunk.
You would be surprised what they can fit through.
If skunks have been in there before, they will look for a way back in.
Be diligent in your efforts.
Skunks are basically lazy opportunists.
They want to be where life is easy.
Get rid of dog food, bbq scraps, your pet's water dish, compost piles and trash they can get into.
Obviously, the trash belongs outdoors, just make sure it is in a very secure container.
Follow these get rid of skunks tips and soon your skunk will find that your house is not any fun anymore and try to find a replacement home.