Saving a Marriage and How to Rekindle One
Saving A Marriage and How to Rekindle One
When faced with changing a situation such as a marriage or relationship, it's natural to put the emphasis on what you husband or boyfriend needs to change. We all do it, but the truth is the only real power we have is when we look at changing ourselves. You are the only one you can change! It is a fact that when one partner in a relationship changes, the whole relationship shifts. Often this leads fights and even break-ups as one member of the couple struggles to maintain the status quo, and the other refuses. Well it does not have to be that way! If you are a wife or girlfriend who wants to bring the romance back, feel the love and connection that you once had, and be a couple that meets each others needs in a wonderful and fufilling way, I believe I have found just what you need.
For so long women have been fighting with their husbands and boyfriends, demanding "equality", insisting their men do at least 50% of the "chores". We want them to be more like us, do what we want, and make us happy. We women have been complaining to our girlfriends, nagging our husbands, and many of us have been very unhappy in our relationships, feeling unappreciated, and unloved. We might think that we have been understanding to our mates...but have we? When I was researching this subject, I went to google and typed in the words "How can I make my husband happy". Guess how many searches for those words are found worldwide in a month? 91! Only 91 women worldwide had even thought to type that into a search! And none of them were in the United States! Since there are billions of people on the internet looking for answers I began to think something was wrong here. I know (because I was one of them) that we women spend a LOT of time complaining about our husbands and boyfriends to just about anyone who will listen, but apparently we spend very little time trying to figure out how they think, how they react, how they are wired and how we can make them happy...I know if you're angry and feeling unloved and unappreciated this is probably the LAST thing you want to do, but just think...a truly happy husband or boyfriend is going to move heaven and earth to make you happy!
Now that's worth a little investigation, don't you think?
I've found an interesting book that has challenged every notion and opinion that I've ever had about marriage and relationships. At first as I read it, I was arguing with every point in my mind! But I know that when a subject can get such a rise out of me, I need to look closer. There's insight I need to see. As it turns out there was a lot I needed to see!
Click Here To Read My In Depth Review
When faced with changing a situation such as a marriage or relationship, it's natural to put the emphasis on what you husband or boyfriend needs to change. We all do it, but the truth is the only real power we have is when we look at changing ourselves. You are the only one you can change! It is a fact that when one partner in a relationship changes, the whole relationship shifts. Often this leads fights and even break-ups as one member of the couple struggles to maintain the status quo, and the other refuses. Well it does not have to be that way! If you are a wife or girlfriend who wants to bring the romance back, feel the love and connection that you once had, and be a couple that meets each others needs in a wonderful and fufilling way, I believe I have found just what you need.
For so long women have been fighting with their husbands and boyfriends, demanding "equality", insisting their men do at least 50% of the "chores". We want them to be more like us, do what we want, and make us happy. We women have been complaining to our girlfriends, nagging our husbands, and many of us have been very unhappy in our relationships, feeling unappreciated, and unloved. We might think that we have been understanding to our mates...but have we? When I was researching this subject, I went to google and typed in the words "How can I make my husband happy". Guess how many searches for those words are found worldwide in a month? 91! Only 91 women worldwide had even thought to type that into a search! And none of them were in the United States! Since there are billions of people on the internet looking for answers I began to think something was wrong here. I know (because I was one of them) that we women spend a LOT of time complaining about our husbands and boyfriends to just about anyone who will listen, but apparently we spend very little time trying to figure out how they think, how they react, how they are wired and how we can make them happy...I know if you're angry and feeling unloved and unappreciated this is probably the LAST thing you want to do, but just think...a truly happy husband or boyfriend is going to move heaven and earth to make you happy!
Now that's worth a little investigation, don't you think?
I've found an interesting book that has challenged every notion and opinion that I've ever had about marriage and relationships. At first as I read it, I was arguing with every point in my mind! But I know that when a subject can get such a rise out of me, I need to look closer. There's insight I need to see. As it turns out there was a lot I needed to see!
Click Here To Read My In Depth Review