Straightening Tools for Black Hair
- Ethnic hair can be straightened with the use of chemicals and/or straightening devices.Pretty woman with flowers on her hair image by MAXFX from
Ethnic hair, which is naturally curly, wavy or kinky, responds best to moisture, and is at times limited to various styles. Sometimes, modifying the natural style of ethnic hair requires straightening with either chemical products or the use of straightening devices. The process you choose depends on the overall hair texture and type. Kinkier hair may require both a super strength chemical relaxer and direct heat. The average woman of color however, typically requires a regular strength relaxer. According to Bella On-line, methods for carefully straightening the hair are scant, as all suggested methods can lead to both hair and/or skin burns. - A straightening comb is typically used on natural, virgin and untreated hair.stripping comb image by Edsweb from
Pressing combs are typically used on natural, virgin, untreated hair. Pressing the hair with a straightening comb requires the application of direct heat to the hair. The comb, which is made of metal, is placed on top of the range of an electric or gas stove. Due to potential for overheating, a professional, electric heating pad exclusively made for pressing combs is preferable to heating the comb on the stove. These combs straighten the hair without the use of harsh chemicals, though they, too, have their disadvantages. Refer to Resource #1 for visual instructions. - When used with a comb attachment, blow dryers straighten wavy and curly hair.dryers image by timur1970 from
A comb attachment is required to straighten ethnic hair with a blow dryer. Most blow dryers have low, medium and high heating levels as well as a cooling switch. Higher levels of produce straighter hair. However, too much heat can cause drying of the scalp and hair breakage. Apply a heating serum or leave-in conditioner to the hair before applying heat to prevent damage to hair. - Flat irons can straighten chemically-relaxed or virgin hair.straightening hair image by Horticulture from
The flat iron is similar to the pressing comb in that it applies heat directly to the hair. When using, the hair is literally placed between two "flat" irons, rather than combing. Flat irons can be electric or manual, requiring direct heat from a stove top or heating pad, similar to the pressing comb. As with other heating methods, plan to use a conditioning mist or heat protecting serum prior to using a flat iron.
According to the Hair Finder, "You should choose a flat-iron appliance whose heating plates are approximately 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches wide. Wider irons are certainly available, but are only necessary for those individuals with longer hair." - Chemical hair relaxers permanently straighten the hair.long curly hair image by Frenk_Danielle Kaufmann from
Chemical relaxers can be purchased with lye or without. Nevertheless, either type can be damaging to the hair due to other harsh chemicals, such as sodium hydroxide. According to Hair Boutique, "Sodium hydroxide relaxers, which are considered to be caustic relaxers, are designed to soften and swell the hair's fibers." Retouches are required on new hair growth only. Caustic relaxers or straighteners, though proven to be effective, also have side effects, including hair breakage, thinning, hair loss and scalp burns.
Although straightening your own hair is an option, a visit to what many within the Latin, African-Cuban communities call, "a Dominican shop," may be the better option because Dominican hair salons often specialize in straightening ethnic hair, and hair growth. "The result of the [Domincan Salon straightening] process is extremely bouncy hair with super straight roots!" informs the Long-Healthy Hair Advisor. Other benefits, according to the LHHA, are the Dominican's use of natural hair products and overall consistency in hair treatment, which further aid in hair growth. Several online forums support the Dominican hair straightening process.
Straightening Comb
Blow Dyer
Flat Irons
Chemical Relaxer