Team Building With Tools
Is there a tool to help achieve career success and personal happiness? We all want career success and personal happiness.
Wouldn't it be great to get your hands on an all encompassing assessment that could tell you your strengths and weaknesses and point you in the right direction in achieving your goals? The Winslow Research Institute offers a unique assessment program to aid individuals in achieving their career success and personal contentment.
Regardless of your career, social position, or economic status, the assessment will help you to develop and maintain optimum personal performance.
They complement other self-improvement efforts and programs, by preparing reports on your personality, behavior, and attitudes, based on the results of assessment instruments.
Interpersonal Traits Sociability - Recognition - Conscientious - Exhibition - Trust - Nurturance Organizational Traits Alertness - Structure - Order - Flexibility - Creativity - Responsibility Dedication Traits Ambition - Endurance - Assertiveness - Boldness - Coachability - Leadership Self-control Traits Self-confidence - Composure - Tough-minded - Autonomy - Contentment After you take the Winslow Assessment, your Personal Dynamic Profile will provide immediate and accurate insight into the personality characteristics that influence your career success.
This profile will show how you measure in the 24 key behavioral characteristics listed below.
The information provided to you in your Personal Dynamic Profile will enable you to objectively understand your personality, attitudes, and resulting behavior.
Action can then be taken to amplify assets and to control or modify behavior that may be limiting career achievement and/or preventing personal happiness.
This proven method of achieving and maintaining high personal performance will assist you in exploring and emphasizing your personality assets and help you control or eliminate potential liabilities.
This time-tested program will also assist you in attaining contentment and satisfaction in all aspects of your lifestyle.
So, yes there is a tool and it is the Winslow Assessment!
Wouldn't it be great to get your hands on an all encompassing assessment that could tell you your strengths and weaknesses and point you in the right direction in achieving your goals? The Winslow Research Institute offers a unique assessment program to aid individuals in achieving their career success and personal contentment.
Regardless of your career, social position, or economic status, the assessment will help you to develop and maintain optimum personal performance.
They complement other self-improvement efforts and programs, by preparing reports on your personality, behavior, and attitudes, based on the results of assessment instruments.
Interpersonal Traits Sociability - Recognition - Conscientious - Exhibition - Trust - Nurturance Organizational Traits Alertness - Structure - Order - Flexibility - Creativity - Responsibility Dedication Traits Ambition - Endurance - Assertiveness - Boldness - Coachability - Leadership Self-control Traits Self-confidence - Composure - Tough-minded - Autonomy - Contentment After you take the Winslow Assessment, your Personal Dynamic Profile will provide immediate and accurate insight into the personality characteristics that influence your career success.
This profile will show how you measure in the 24 key behavioral characteristics listed below.
The information provided to you in your Personal Dynamic Profile will enable you to objectively understand your personality, attitudes, and resulting behavior.
Action can then be taken to amplify assets and to control or modify behavior that may be limiting career achievement and/or preventing personal happiness.
This proven method of achieving and maintaining high personal performance will assist you in exploring and emphasizing your personality assets and help you control or eliminate potential liabilities.
This time-tested program will also assist you in attaining contentment and satisfaction in all aspects of your lifestyle.
So, yes there is a tool and it is the Winslow Assessment!