Is Your Man Cheating? Rarely Recognized Signs That He is Cheating on You
Do you have a weird feeling that your man is cheating on you? Had you felt that things were just weird between the two of you for a while and now you had this startling realization that he may be cheating on you? At first you thought that maybe he was just stressed out or that it was just a couple of misunderstandings between the two of you that had thrown your relationship off kilter.
Now, as you begin to give thought to the possibility that there may be another woman involved you are searching for signs that your man is cheating on you. Simple things like noticing that he is working late or that he doesn't answer his phone every time you call like he used to are signs that could have a simple explanation. But what else should you be looking for if you think that your man is cheating on you?
Cell Phone Off? - Does he shut his cell phone off when he is with you? Although it is not uncommon for a man to be possessive of his cell phone when he is having an affair many men will actually turn off their cell phone altogether when they are cheating. After all, if his girlfriend figures out that he is with you he may blow up his phone and start calling repeatedly which would arouse suspicion.
Of course, you can't just ask him if his cell phone is on but you can ask him if you can use his cell phone to make a call. See if he hands it over willingly or if he denies your request. If he does deny your request dig your own cell phone out and call his cell phone by "mistake". If he doesn't pick it up then you know that his cell phone is off and that he may be hiding something.
Bite Marks and Hickeys - If your man is cheating on you with another woman it is not uncommon for the other woman to put marks on your man as a way to get him in trouble. Try not to imagine how he got these marks. It will just make you crazy. But the next time you are together offer to give him a massage. Massage his body all over and look for scratches, hickeys and bite marks.
If you do find bite marks or hickeys or claw marks on his back do not confront him about them. Do not accuse him of cheating until you have positive, undeniable proof that your man is cheating. If you do confront him about his cheating without the who, where and when he will deny his cheating ways and then become more careful with covering up evidence of his cheating.
While these are only signs that your man may be cheating they are a good indicator that you should look for some real proof that he is cheating. With a combination of other signs that he is cheating and information gathered it is quite easy to find out who your man is cheating on your with, when they are getting together and how long he has been cheating on you.
Once you know for sure that he is cheating and you have all the information that you need to confront your man you can decide what you want to do. Guessing and suspecting are not proof enough to confront him because you will be tempted to believe his lies and if he is cheating this is exactly what he is doing to begin with. End the doubt and get some peace in your life and find out for sure if your man is cheating.
Click Here to see how you can be sure if your husband or boyfriend is cheating. Learn how to gather all the evidence you need of a cheating man and silence the doubts and suspicion once and for all. Find out today if your man is cheating and let the truth set you free!
Now, as you begin to give thought to the possibility that there may be another woman involved you are searching for signs that your man is cheating on you. Simple things like noticing that he is working late or that he doesn't answer his phone every time you call like he used to are signs that could have a simple explanation. But what else should you be looking for if you think that your man is cheating on you?
Cell Phone Off? - Does he shut his cell phone off when he is with you? Although it is not uncommon for a man to be possessive of his cell phone when he is having an affair many men will actually turn off their cell phone altogether when they are cheating. After all, if his girlfriend figures out that he is with you he may blow up his phone and start calling repeatedly which would arouse suspicion.
Of course, you can't just ask him if his cell phone is on but you can ask him if you can use his cell phone to make a call. See if he hands it over willingly or if he denies your request. If he does deny your request dig your own cell phone out and call his cell phone by "mistake". If he doesn't pick it up then you know that his cell phone is off and that he may be hiding something.
Bite Marks and Hickeys - If your man is cheating on you with another woman it is not uncommon for the other woman to put marks on your man as a way to get him in trouble. Try not to imagine how he got these marks. It will just make you crazy. But the next time you are together offer to give him a massage. Massage his body all over and look for scratches, hickeys and bite marks.
If you do find bite marks or hickeys or claw marks on his back do not confront him about them. Do not accuse him of cheating until you have positive, undeniable proof that your man is cheating. If you do confront him about his cheating without the who, where and when he will deny his cheating ways and then become more careful with covering up evidence of his cheating.
While these are only signs that your man may be cheating they are a good indicator that you should look for some real proof that he is cheating. With a combination of other signs that he is cheating and information gathered it is quite easy to find out who your man is cheating on your with, when they are getting together and how long he has been cheating on you.
Once you know for sure that he is cheating and you have all the information that you need to confront your man you can decide what you want to do. Guessing and suspecting are not proof enough to confront him because you will be tempted to believe his lies and if he is cheating this is exactly what he is doing to begin with. End the doubt and get some peace in your life and find out for sure if your man is cheating.
Click Here to see how you can be sure if your husband or boyfriend is cheating. Learn how to gather all the evidence you need of a cheating man and silence the doubts and suspicion once and for all. Find out today if your man is cheating and let the truth set you free!