Exercises that raise the baby physical strength and immunity
Good diet and exercises are the perfect ‘mantra' for healthy life. And if it is that important, it's always the earlier the better. Along with the mother, who needs muscle tightening and stretching activities to keep her body in shape after the delivery, exercises for babies can help a long way in building immunity and physical strength in the baby. The latest research suggest that infants, toddlers and even preschoolers should spend at least 60 minutes daily in physical activity.
Now you must be wondering how a small infant can be made to exercise. The answer is that you can help him perform some activities which are very natural but gives her enough physical exercise. It's a normal view that children who are used to daily exercise routine or playing some sports have very low chances of becoming obese or suffering health problems.
Initially for an infant of few days or week, the sucking of milk is the only exercise which tires him off. For the infant doing all the activity of breathing, sucking and then swallowing becomes a very heavy exercise due to which the baby sleeps for a while after breast feeding. That is also one of the reasons why doctors insist on breast feeding- so that the baby can get exercise naturally. For a baby of few months you can try various activities like:
Exercises when the baby is growing into toddler
It's a joy to see your baby performing various activities when she is in her six or seventh month and trying to sit independently. Rolling, crawling, creeping are the natural activities for a baby and it gives her lot of exercise. Some babies are sluggish and do not attempt on their own and has to be motivated for activities. Growing up babies should mostly be kept on the floor so that they get the support of hard floor when they try to stand up or sit. Playing catch me for a crawling baby is a wonderful exercise which gives her good muscular as well as abdominal exercise and strengthens her arms and limbs. It also increases the stamina of the baby.
Even if the baby falls down while performing certain activities do not stop her from doing it again. Instead try to be there when she is onto it again to protect her from falling. Encouraging the toddlers to run after you in the garden or to play catch-catch with a baby that can sit and grab a thing improves the action and vision coordination.
So, be cautious when your baby is growing but never stop it from getting good exercise while performing the natural growth oriented activities.
Now you must be wondering how a small infant can be made to exercise. The answer is that you can help him perform some activities which are very natural but gives her enough physical exercise. It's a normal view that children who are used to daily exercise routine or playing some sports have very low chances of becoming obese or suffering health problems.
Initially for an infant of few days or week, the sucking of milk is the only exercise which tires him off. For the infant doing all the activity of breathing, sucking and then swallowing becomes a very heavy exercise due to which the baby sleeps for a while after breast feeding. That is also one of the reasons why doctors insist on breast feeding- so that the baby can get exercise naturally. For a baby of few months you can try various activities like:
- Taking the baby in the stroller for the walk
- Putting him on floor and encouraging her to reach different objects lying around
- Cuddling, talking or playing hide and seek with your baby sometime in the day
- If you are exercising, carrying baby in the sling or even on the carrier can be a good exercise
Exercises when the baby is growing into toddler
It's a joy to see your baby performing various activities when she is in her six or seventh month and trying to sit independently. Rolling, crawling, creeping are the natural activities for a baby and it gives her lot of exercise. Some babies are sluggish and do not attempt on their own and has to be motivated for activities. Growing up babies should mostly be kept on the floor so that they get the support of hard floor when they try to stand up or sit. Playing catch me for a crawling baby is a wonderful exercise which gives her good muscular as well as abdominal exercise and strengthens her arms and limbs. It also increases the stamina of the baby.
Even if the baby falls down while performing certain activities do not stop her from doing it again. Instead try to be there when she is onto it again to protect her from falling. Encouraging the toddlers to run after you in the garden or to play catch-catch with a baby that can sit and grab a thing improves the action and vision coordination.
So, be cautious when your baby is growing but never stop it from getting good exercise while performing the natural growth oriented activities.