List Building by Writing Articles With Great Content
So you understand the importance of list building...
of collecting names and addresses, and you have built a squeeze page with an opt-in box to accomplish this task.
you are on to the task of how to get people to visit your page.
Hmmmm, well there are tons of ways.
One of them is article writing.
If you are thinking "well great for the person who knows how to write...
but that isn't me, I don't know how and I don't really have the time or interest in learning"...
then you might be surprised.
It doesn't mean you have to be a best-selling novelist, it just means that you have to come up with a few topics or ideas that people in your niche would want to know about, and write that.
And believe me, if the content is something that people really want to learn about, they are not going to be judging you for your writing style, they will be judging you on how much help they get from your information.
So relax.
Writing articles in your niche is a fantastic way to get exposure and get people visiting your squeeze page.
If you are building your list around do-it-yourself home repair...
that's a pretty broad topic...
so narrow it down a bit for your articles.
In this example you could narrow it down to, say, how to fix a leaky faucet.
This is one small topic in your very broad niche that would be very useful to the person who is searching for this kind of info.
A really easy way to come up with different topics is to take a sheet of paper and write the name of your niche at the very top.
Next, start thinking of all the things that have to do with this topic.
Think about the things that may be a problem for someone, like the leaky faucet example.
Keep writing and listing...
you will see that when you think of one thing...
it will make three or four others come to mind.
Write them down as well.
So now you have this long list, filled with all kinds of topics that you can write articles about.
At this point you can start writing, or, you can look at each of the topics and create smaller lists of items that relate to each of those.
After you do this you will have plenty of topics to write about and enough content for articles to keep you going for a long, long time.
Now, with each article you have out there, you will have an opportunity for people to click a link to find out more about you and what you have to offer.
Of course, this link will take them to your squeeze page where they can opt-in to your list.
Article writing is awesome for list building.
of collecting names and addresses, and you have built a squeeze page with an opt-in box to accomplish this task.
you are on to the task of how to get people to visit your page.
Hmmmm, well there are tons of ways.
One of them is article writing.
If you are thinking "well great for the person who knows how to write...
but that isn't me, I don't know how and I don't really have the time or interest in learning"...
then you might be surprised.
It doesn't mean you have to be a best-selling novelist, it just means that you have to come up with a few topics or ideas that people in your niche would want to know about, and write that.
And believe me, if the content is something that people really want to learn about, they are not going to be judging you for your writing style, they will be judging you on how much help they get from your information.
So relax.
Writing articles in your niche is a fantastic way to get exposure and get people visiting your squeeze page.
If you are building your list around do-it-yourself home repair...
that's a pretty broad topic...
so narrow it down a bit for your articles.
In this example you could narrow it down to, say, how to fix a leaky faucet.
This is one small topic in your very broad niche that would be very useful to the person who is searching for this kind of info.
A really easy way to come up with different topics is to take a sheet of paper and write the name of your niche at the very top.
Next, start thinking of all the things that have to do with this topic.
Think about the things that may be a problem for someone, like the leaky faucet example.
Keep writing and listing...
you will see that when you think of one thing...
it will make three or four others come to mind.
Write them down as well.
So now you have this long list, filled with all kinds of topics that you can write articles about.
At this point you can start writing, or, you can look at each of the topics and create smaller lists of items that relate to each of those.
After you do this you will have plenty of topics to write about and enough content for articles to keep you going for a long, long time.
Now, with each article you have out there, you will have an opportunity for people to click a link to find out more about you and what you have to offer.
Of course, this link will take them to your squeeze page where they can opt-in to your list.
Article writing is awesome for list building.