How to Mount Antique Doilies
- 1). Soak a soiled doily in a bath of warm water and mild detergent. Add 1/4 cup white vinegar per gallon of water if the doily has turned yellow or brown with age. Rinse with warm water until it runs clear. Lay flat to dry.
- 2). Reshape an antique doily that has lost its pattern. Dip the cleaned, wet doily into liquid starch and arrange flat on a towel. Spread all of the points out and align the sides, as necessary. Pin into place on the towel; this process is called “blocking.” Allow the doily to dry and stiffen.
- 3). Select a photo frame that is slightly larger than the doily. Choose a backing fabric in a color that will match your room’s décor and contrast with the doily, for maximum impact.
- 4). Cover the cardboard that came inside the frame with the backing fabric, smoothing out any wrinkles. Adhere fabric to the back side of the cardboard with tape or glue.
- 5). Center the doily on the fabric backing and press the entire piece into the picture frame. Check the view from the front and adjust the doily’s position as needed before inserting the frame back and sealing the frame. The pressure from the glass and backing will hold the doily in place.