Your Most Important Opportunity says a top UK Personal Development Coach
For some people this article will turn out to be one of the most important things they've ever read.
I say this because some people are ready to get to grips with life.
In the next year some people will put their lives on the map.
They'll know clearly what they intend to have happen and, more importantly, why.
Do you want to be part of the crowd making the switch to the dizzying heights of happiness - and when I talk about "happiness," I'm talking about real "Happiness"? Do you want to feel good after a fulfilling day at work? Do you want to live a dream relationship? Do you want you to be building wonderful bonds with your children, easily, and taking the steps to reach your full potential as a human being? If you do, the good news is this: change can be easy.
Here is how...
First, stop ignoring your instincts: that slumping feeling or that feeling of nausea or the little voice in your head that says: 'I want more out of life than I'm getting.
' Accept it as part of you and welcome that feeling.
Is it telling you that you're not being rewarded or is it saying you are not being fulfilled in work? Or is the feeling hinting something else is not right - the relationship with your partner or your children? When you listen to your instincts and accept that things are not right you put yourself back in the driving seat where you can recreate situations and get to grips with life.
When you ignore them, they return over and over again, often increasing in intensity until you have to deal with them.
Sooner or later you will have to deal with all the issues in life.
Why wait until they get to the point of danger where you feel ill or you feel like your world is falling apart? Deal with them while the pressure is not too intense.
Deal with them now.
If you leave it too late you won't be in the best frame of mind and you'll more than likely handle it poorly.
Your instinct is your greatest opportunity.
It is there to help you navigate through life, like a rudder on a ship.
The problem is all too often we ignore it and try to navigate using logic, which is more like snapping the rudder off and hoping for the best.
I say this because some people are ready to get to grips with life.
In the next year some people will put their lives on the map.
They'll know clearly what they intend to have happen and, more importantly, why.
Do you want to be part of the crowd making the switch to the dizzying heights of happiness - and when I talk about "happiness," I'm talking about real "Happiness"? Do you want to feel good after a fulfilling day at work? Do you want to live a dream relationship? Do you want you to be building wonderful bonds with your children, easily, and taking the steps to reach your full potential as a human being? If you do, the good news is this: change can be easy.
Here is how...
First, stop ignoring your instincts: that slumping feeling or that feeling of nausea or the little voice in your head that says: 'I want more out of life than I'm getting.
' Accept it as part of you and welcome that feeling.
Is it telling you that you're not being rewarded or is it saying you are not being fulfilled in work? Or is the feeling hinting something else is not right - the relationship with your partner or your children? When you listen to your instincts and accept that things are not right you put yourself back in the driving seat where you can recreate situations and get to grips with life.
When you ignore them, they return over and over again, often increasing in intensity until you have to deal with them.
Sooner or later you will have to deal with all the issues in life.
Why wait until they get to the point of danger where you feel ill or you feel like your world is falling apart? Deal with them while the pressure is not too intense.
Deal with them now.
If you leave it too late you won't be in the best frame of mind and you'll more than likely handle it poorly.
Your instinct is your greatest opportunity.
It is there to help you navigate through life, like a rudder on a ship.
The problem is all too often we ignore it and try to navigate using logic, which is more like snapping the rudder off and hoping for the best.