Bookmarks The Spot You Want - IT In Your Language
This article intends to simplify the use of the Bookmark element.
I want to highlight a couple of underused features in Microsoft word that you might find handy if you have not found them before.
Let us start with Bookmarks.
These are useful for longer documents, especially while you are drafting them, maybe even cutting and pasting sections from one part of the document to another, and find your self scrolling up and down looking for a particular chunk of text.
Bookmarks help you to go back to a particular point in your document time and again.
You can even create an electronic Contents list using them.
To try it out, put your cursor somewhere towards the end of a long document.
Select BOOKMARK from the INSERT MENU at the top.
A dialogue box will appear.
Type in a Bookmark name, for example, RECOMMEND-ACTIONS and then click the ADD button.
Next go to the top of the document and put the cursor there.
Then try using your Bookmark by selecting INSERT BOOKMARK again.
In the same dialogue box, your new Bookmark is now listed in the main panel.
Click on it and then click the GO TO button.
In the background your cursor will find the Bookmark.
If you have lot of Bookmarks, the dialogue box helps you to find the one you want by giving you the option to sort them alphabetically or by the sequence they occur in the document.
Finally, a quick one.
If you get into a real knot with the formatting of some paragraphs of text and want to start over again with it, then select the text and hit CONTROL, SHIFT and N buttons at the same time.
This removes all added formatting and takes it back to the default appearance of your document template.
Another Microsoft Word TOP TIP from the website designer birmingham AKA the Web-architekt look out for all my articles on computer tips and tricks - we aim to simplify the use of elements within software.
I want to highlight a couple of underused features in Microsoft word that you might find handy if you have not found them before.
Let us start with Bookmarks.
These are useful for longer documents, especially while you are drafting them, maybe even cutting and pasting sections from one part of the document to another, and find your self scrolling up and down looking for a particular chunk of text.
Bookmarks help you to go back to a particular point in your document time and again.
You can even create an electronic Contents list using them.
To try it out, put your cursor somewhere towards the end of a long document.
Select BOOKMARK from the INSERT MENU at the top.
A dialogue box will appear.
Type in a Bookmark name, for example, RECOMMEND-ACTIONS and then click the ADD button.
Next go to the top of the document and put the cursor there.
Then try using your Bookmark by selecting INSERT BOOKMARK again.
In the same dialogue box, your new Bookmark is now listed in the main panel.
Click on it and then click the GO TO button.
In the background your cursor will find the Bookmark.
If you have lot of Bookmarks, the dialogue box helps you to find the one you want by giving you the option to sort them alphabetically or by the sequence they occur in the document.
Finally, a quick one.
If you get into a real knot with the formatting of some paragraphs of text and want to start over again with it, then select the text and hit CONTROL, SHIFT and N buttons at the same time.
This removes all added formatting and takes it back to the default appearance of your document template.
Another Microsoft Word TOP TIP from the website designer birmingham AKA the Web-architekt look out for all my articles on computer tips and tricks - we aim to simplify the use of elements within software.