How to Teach a Border Collie to Roll Over
- 1). Find a soft surface, such as grass or carpet. It is easiest for your dog to roll over on a soft surface.
- 2). Make your dog lie down on its side, and if it knows how, have it play dead.
- 3). Kneel beside your dog. Position one hand on its lower front leg and the other on its lower hind leg.
- 4). Roll your dog over from the side it is lying on to the other side while commanding it to roll over.
- 5). Reward the dog with a treat and enthusiastic praise after it rolls over.
- 6). Place the dog in the dead dog position. Hold a treat in front of your dog's nose and make a sweeping motion in the direction it should roll and command it to roll over.
- 7). Repeat this process until your dog will readily roll over on its own.