Do Your Friends Have These Bad Habits? How Do You Help Them?
Don't you just hate it when your friends do unacceptable things? In fact, their bad habits irritate not only you but also everyone.
Their bad habits create an environment that is stressful, unproductive or unsafe.
You may be surprised to find out that some of your friends are not aware that they're irritating you and people around.
It is said, "A friend in need is a friend indeed.
" So, how do you help them? The first step in correcting the situation is to make them recognize their bad habits.
Next is to go further elaborating to them how they affect people and list available options on how to get rid of the bad habits.
Here are some of the bad habits: 1.
) Lateness: It is one of the most common vice among friends.
They're always late in their working places or even in important functions.
This can create tension.
Imagine your friend showing up late on your wedding day as the best man or lady! 2.
) Flirting and Infidelity: It is the worst bad habit you don't expect your friends to have.
How do you trust friends who are philandering that they'll not commit infidelity? It is difficult to trust such friends because they'll always find a story to cover up their habit of infidelity.
Friends with this bad habit are very active when it comes to seducing and flirting, they can end up putting you into problems.
) Absenteeism: There are friends who always find lame excuses for being absent.
Of course, this bad habit really hurts you especially when you need your friends to support you.
) Jealous: Friends could be jealous.
They don't feel happy with what people have accomplished successfully or they're always suspicious.
This creates lack of trustworthy in the friendship.
) Untidiness: It is another bad habit that some of your friends could be having.
They're messy in whatever they do.
Their offices and apartments are in disarray.
Their desks are untidy with crumpled up fast food sacks or even disarranged papers spread all over.
) Gossiping: It is another bad habit among friends.
Gossip can cause disagreements or even fights among friends because their private lives have been interfered with.
) Nagging Friends: They're always stressful.
They always complain in a criticizing manner or bother people with their problems while they can solve them.
Some of the friends are not ready to help and yet they expect to be helped when they find themselves in problems.
) Blaming Others: Some friends will always blame other people.
They're not ready to take any responsibility.
They always use these words "Who? Me? Not me but you.
" The bottom line of this is that nobody is willing to associate with them because they may end up being blamed.
) Lying and Deceiving: Friends who lie or are deceiving will always hurt your feelings.
It may cause you to be disturbed psychologically.
There will be a feeling of foolishness and stupidity in you due to their lies and ways that are deceiving.
This will later on ruin your friendship.
"It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.
"-Benjamin Franklin.
Their bad habits create an environment that is stressful, unproductive or unsafe.
You may be surprised to find out that some of your friends are not aware that they're irritating you and people around.
It is said, "A friend in need is a friend indeed.
" So, how do you help them? The first step in correcting the situation is to make them recognize their bad habits.
Next is to go further elaborating to them how they affect people and list available options on how to get rid of the bad habits.
Here are some of the bad habits: 1.
) Lateness: It is one of the most common vice among friends.
They're always late in their working places or even in important functions.
This can create tension.
Imagine your friend showing up late on your wedding day as the best man or lady! 2.
) Flirting and Infidelity: It is the worst bad habit you don't expect your friends to have.
How do you trust friends who are philandering that they'll not commit infidelity? It is difficult to trust such friends because they'll always find a story to cover up their habit of infidelity.
Friends with this bad habit are very active when it comes to seducing and flirting, they can end up putting you into problems.
) Absenteeism: There are friends who always find lame excuses for being absent.
Of course, this bad habit really hurts you especially when you need your friends to support you.
) Jealous: Friends could be jealous.
They don't feel happy with what people have accomplished successfully or they're always suspicious.
This creates lack of trustworthy in the friendship.
) Untidiness: It is another bad habit that some of your friends could be having.
They're messy in whatever they do.
Their offices and apartments are in disarray.
Their desks are untidy with crumpled up fast food sacks or even disarranged papers spread all over.
) Gossiping: It is another bad habit among friends.
Gossip can cause disagreements or even fights among friends because their private lives have been interfered with.
) Nagging Friends: They're always stressful.
They always complain in a criticizing manner or bother people with their problems while they can solve them.
Some of the friends are not ready to help and yet they expect to be helped when they find themselves in problems.
) Blaming Others: Some friends will always blame other people.
They're not ready to take any responsibility.
They always use these words "Who? Me? Not me but you.
" The bottom line of this is that nobody is willing to associate with them because they may end up being blamed.
) Lying and Deceiving: Friends who lie or are deceiving will always hurt your feelings.
It may cause you to be disturbed psychologically.
There will be a feeling of foolishness and stupidity in you due to their lies and ways that are deceiving.
This will later on ruin your friendship.
"It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.
"-Benjamin Franklin.