What is Interpersonal Therapy?
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Updated March 07, 2014.
Originally developed for depression, interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a short-term, highly-structured treatment that focuses on the social context of disorders. Therapy involves examining problems and solutions with respect to relationships and communication. IPT draws on techniques used in psychoanalysis and cognitive behavioral therapy.
IPT shows promise in the treatment of social anxiety disorder (SAD), particularly given the social nature of SAD.
Although research is in its infancy, there is evidence of positive improvement in SAD symptoms after IPT.
Also Known As: IPT
Updated March 07, 2014.
Originally developed for depression, interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a short-term, highly-structured treatment that focuses on the social context of disorders. Therapy involves examining problems and solutions with respect to relationships and communication. IPT draws on techniques used in psychoanalysis and cognitive behavioral therapy.
IPT shows promise in the treatment of social anxiety disorder (SAD), particularly given the social nature of SAD.
Although research is in its infancy, there is evidence of positive improvement in SAD symptoms after IPT.
Also Known As: IPT