Dealing with Adult Kids
We're sorry to hear that your son and daughter-in-law and grandson are creating problems and difficulties for you.Dealing with one's relationship with adult children and grandchildren is very much the same as dealing with a disruptive spouse. You can't change the other person. You can only change your own responses to behavior that upsets you.
Sometimes it is best to just let the past go, and to start to rebuild a relationship without bringing up past issues.
This doesn't apply to physical violence or controlling behaviors, but you didn't describe any of that in your relationship with your son or grandson.
You could reopen the door in your relationships with your son and grandson by calling and not getting into the areas and issues that you have had difficulties with them before. Or you could send notes, an easter card, or a birthday card, etc.
We hope you can continue to do well on your own for a long time!
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