3 Shortcuts to a Healthier You - Without Supplements Or Drugs
It is absolutely never too late to take charge of your health.
You first need to make the choice to become healthy and decide to make a few changes then and find a safe, simple, and natural strategy that works easily in your life.
Here are 3 simple proven strategies: 1.
Balance Believe it or not your body has the amazing ability to heal itself; it's a self-regulating entity.
Your body strives for homeostasis, or optimal balance.
Think about it as if you were cooking and added too much of one ingredient...
you would have to add other ingredients to balance the recipe, right? It's the same with your body.
For years you have not fed it the nutrients it needs and your body is not at it's optimal level.
Now think to yourself for a minute, Do you suffer from lack of sleep? Have unexplained aches and pains? Do you suffer from high cholesterol or worry about your cardiovascular health? Are you overworked and stressed? Do you have poor eating habits? Do you struggle with energy? Do you lack mental focus? Do you worry about your heart health? Are you predisposed to Alzheimer's, strokes, heart attacks, or cancer? Do you worry about premature aging? Do you suffer from joint pain? These are all signs and symptoms that your body is out of balance.
Variety This means consuming foods from the entire color spectrum.
Each color contains a specific set of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients that work together to give your body the nutrients it needs.
Throughout the day try to consume as many colors as you can.
Not only will you start to feel great but your meal will automatically be healthier and fun to eat.
Moderation As you probably know too little or too much of anything can be counter-productive.
I like to use the 80-20 rule with my foods.
I eat healthful foods 80% of the time and the other 20% I use to eat the foods that I can't help but like.
Like cheesecake, ice-cream, and french fries.
You first need to make the choice to become healthy and decide to make a few changes then and find a safe, simple, and natural strategy that works easily in your life.
Here are 3 simple proven strategies: 1.
Balance Believe it or not your body has the amazing ability to heal itself; it's a self-regulating entity.
Your body strives for homeostasis, or optimal balance.
Think about it as if you were cooking and added too much of one ingredient...
you would have to add other ingredients to balance the recipe, right? It's the same with your body.
For years you have not fed it the nutrients it needs and your body is not at it's optimal level.
Now think to yourself for a minute, Do you suffer from lack of sleep? Have unexplained aches and pains? Do you suffer from high cholesterol or worry about your cardiovascular health? Are you overworked and stressed? Do you have poor eating habits? Do you struggle with energy? Do you lack mental focus? Do you worry about your heart health? Are you predisposed to Alzheimer's, strokes, heart attacks, or cancer? Do you worry about premature aging? Do you suffer from joint pain? These are all signs and symptoms that your body is out of balance.
Variety This means consuming foods from the entire color spectrum.
Each color contains a specific set of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients that work together to give your body the nutrients it needs.
Throughout the day try to consume as many colors as you can.
Not only will you start to feel great but your meal will automatically be healthier and fun to eat.
Moderation As you probably know too little or too much of anything can be counter-productive.
I like to use the 80-20 rule with my foods.
I eat healthful foods 80% of the time and the other 20% I use to eat the foods that I can't help but like.
Like cheesecake, ice-cream, and french fries.