What are the difference between male and female strippers in private shows?
In private parties, male and female strippers differ in pay, performance, enjoyment of the show.
To answer this question I would like to specify that I am writing in particular about male and female strippers performing in private house parties, which are hired through an on line agency.
The difference between male and female strippers are in the pay, performance, and enjoyment of the show.
The first difference is the pay. Male strippers are in general paid $25 less than female entertainers for one private party show. That said, in Chicago, male strippers are paid $75 and female dancers are paid $100, even tho the agency receives the same amount of fee. Nevertheless, female strippers do get the same amount of money in their pocket from the show. The reason for that is because female dancers need to pay a driver to bring them to a show, the charge is usually $25. The second way in which the pay is different from male and female strippers are the amount of tips that they get. Male strippers in general make about $0-$50 in tips. Where as female strippers make at the minimum of $100 and at the most could go up to $1000 and even more from certain shows. Nevertheless, tips should also be split with the driver of the female strippers, since he is acting as body gourd and is helping with the show. The split can be 15-25% for the driver. To conclude, male strippers are going for quantity of shows because thats the only way they can make more money, whereas female strippers prefer fewer shows but of great quality.
The second difference is the performing. Many people believe that male strippers should be more aggressive with their shows and in parts thats very true. Physically its impossible to do 10 shows in one night, even tho many male dancers are always trying to increase the quantity of shows. Their interaction with the women is in the form of picking them up on their shoulders, carrying them around, and even flipping them. For an Asian crowd this is an easy work but for fat food lovers, it can be an night mare. On the other hand female strippers tent to be in some cases even more aggressive because they spank, beat, and whip the bachelor to a point of crying. You may think "Wait, is that dominatrix or strip show" The answer is that sexy domme can be part of the show and many girls imply it in their performance. Moreover, female entertainers go completely naked, unlike male strippers, and do things with their body that even God didn't think it exist. Posting what exactly they do on this article would give an old man a heart attack
The third difference is the enjoyment. Its obvious to everyone that male strippers would be enjoying them self more that female strippers. In parts thats true but we come back to the same point that male strippers care about quantity. What that means is that male strippers tent to be in and out of a show very quick and don't have the time to interact with the crowd on personal level where they can enjoy themselves. Moreover, bachelorette parties are very observative from the crowd. The girls want to make sure that the dancer is not going to pull a move on any of the girls, especially the bride. Nevertheless, every male strippers craves to be booked in a b-day party. This way they can do whatever they want because the girls' thinking is extremely different. There is no one to commit to anything in a b-day party and usually things can get out of control. On the other hand, female strippers dislike their job of stripping in every possible way. The only way they can cope with the fact of stripping is by having a little $ sign right in front of their eyes every time they have to enter that door with 50 needy guys.
For more question and answers please visit out web site www.ChicagoExoticStrippers.com. We hope you liked our article. Feel free to ask us any questions or right us comments. Thank you
To answer this question I would like to specify that I am writing in particular about male and female strippers performing in private house parties, which are hired through an on line agency.
The difference between male and female strippers are in the pay, performance, and enjoyment of the show.
The first difference is the pay. Male strippers are in general paid $25 less than female entertainers for one private party show. That said, in Chicago, male strippers are paid $75 and female dancers are paid $100, even tho the agency receives the same amount of fee. Nevertheless, female strippers do get the same amount of money in their pocket from the show. The reason for that is because female dancers need to pay a driver to bring them to a show, the charge is usually $25. The second way in which the pay is different from male and female strippers are the amount of tips that they get. Male strippers in general make about $0-$50 in tips. Where as female strippers make at the minimum of $100 and at the most could go up to $1000 and even more from certain shows. Nevertheless, tips should also be split with the driver of the female strippers, since he is acting as body gourd and is helping with the show. The split can be 15-25% for the driver. To conclude, male strippers are going for quantity of shows because thats the only way they can make more money, whereas female strippers prefer fewer shows but of great quality.
The second difference is the performing. Many people believe that male strippers should be more aggressive with their shows and in parts thats very true. Physically its impossible to do 10 shows in one night, even tho many male dancers are always trying to increase the quantity of shows. Their interaction with the women is in the form of picking them up on their shoulders, carrying them around, and even flipping them. For an Asian crowd this is an easy work but for fat food lovers, it can be an night mare. On the other hand female strippers tent to be in some cases even more aggressive because they spank, beat, and whip the bachelor to a point of crying. You may think "Wait, is that dominatrix or strip show" The answer is that sexy domme can be part of the show and many girls imply it in their performance. Moreover, female entertainers go completely naked, unlike male strippers, and do things with their body that even God didn't think it exist. Posting what exactly they do on this article would give an old man a heart attack
The third difference is the enjoyment. Its obvious to everyone that male strippers would be enjoying them self more that female strippers. In parts thats true but we come back to the same point that male strippers care about quantity. What that means is that male strippers tent to be in and out of a show very quick and don't have the time to interact with the crowd on personal level where they can enjoy themselves. Moreover, bachelorette parties are very observative from the crowd. The girls want to make sure that the dancer is not going to pull a move on any of the girls, especially the bride. Nevertheless, every male strippers craves to be booked in a b-day party. This way they can do whatever they want because the girls' thinking is extremely different. There is no one to commit to anything in a b-day party and usually things can get out of control. On the other hand, female strippers dislike their job of stripping in every possible way. The only way they can cope with the fact of stripping is by having a little $ sign right in front of their eyes every time they have to enter that door with 50 needy guys.
For more question and answers please visit out web site www.ChicagoExoticStrippers.com. We hope you liked our article. Feel free to ask us any questions or right us comments. Thank you