How to Make Tiger Muskie Lures
- 1). Slide a metal bead onto a formed in-line spinner wire with a loop in the end. Slide the bead all the way down to the loop.
- 2). Assemble a U-shaped clevis and Colorado spinner blade. Insert the clevis through the hole in the spinner blade. Slide the in-line spinner wire through the holes in the end of the U-shaped clevis with blade attached.
- 3). Slide a second metal bead onto the wire followed by a formed in-line spinner body. Choose a metal or plastic body for the tiger muskie lure that is either metal finished or painted based on personal preference.
- 4). Form a U-shaped bend in the wire 1/2 inch below the spinner body. Hold the wire with needle-nose pliers. Bend the wire around the needle-nose pliers with a second pair of pliers.
- 5). Slide a dressed treble hook onto the wire and down to the bend. Bend the wire around the needle-nose pliers to form a loop. Secure the free end of the wire around the main wire to secure the loop closed and hold the treble hook in place.