How To Prevent Yourself From Baldness
Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by people all over the world. Every person at some point in his life experiences hair fall and looks for ways to put a stop on it. In this article let us find out about the main causes of hair loss as well as some of the things we can do to prevent it
Hair loss is mainly caused due to aging, intake of medicines, depression, stress as well as sometimes it is also genetic in nature. Also these days the environment we are living in is quite polluted which has an adverse effect on the health of our hair making them grey or making them fall off.
Remedial Measures
The good thing about hair loss is that if one starts to look after his hair at the right time he can prevent his hair from falling further. Let us discuss some of the things which can be done to prevent hair fall-
Apply Oil
Application of oils such as that of almond or coconut makes the hair follicles strong and provide our hair with complete nourishment making them stronger and healthier.
Keeping Them Clean
It is very important to wash your hair regularly but use herbal shampoos instead of the regular ones as they contain harmful chemicals which weaken your hair in the long run.
Natural Herbs
One can also take the help of natural herbs which help in regularizing the levels of DHT in the body. Some of the helpful herbs for healthy hair health include saw palmetto, amla and ginseng.
Hair loss is mainly caused due to aging, intake of medicines, depression, stress as well as sometimes it is also genetic in nature. Also these days the environment we are living in is quite polluted which has an adverse effect on the health of our hair making them grey or making them fall off.
Remedial Measures
The good thing about hair loss is that if one starts to look after his hair at the right time he can prevent his hair from falling further. Let us discuss some of the things which can be done to prevent hair fall-
Apply Oil
Application of oils such as that of almond or coconut makes the hair follicles strong and provide our hair with complete nourishment making them stronger and healthier.
Keeping Them Clean
It is very important to wash your hair regularly but use herbal shampoos instead of the regular ones as they contain harmful chemicals which weaken your hair in the long run.
Natural Herbs
One can also take the help of natural herbs which help in regularizing the levels of DHT in the body. Some of the helpful herbs for healthy hair health include saw palmetto, amla and ginseng.