How Can We Come Up With Good Immigration Law Policy While Living in Denial of the Details?
Our immigration laws are based on the data we have from our census.
You see, our nation knows which industries need people, and how many people we have to support.
We also know of our economic base and taxation, and we have budgets for our various levels of government to provide all the services to all the people.
But what happens when we no longer know how many people are in our nation and we underestimate that number? How can we come up with a good immigration law policy, when we do not even know what the actual population is in the United States? For years, our politicians and government has been using the figure of 12 million people when estimating how many illegal aliens are in our nation.
Actually it's been about 15 years now they've been using that number.
Obviously, many of those illegal aliens have come into our nation and had anchor babies adding to the number of citizens, and there has been a constant increase in the number of illegal aliens coming to live in the United States permanently, but living under the radar.
Until we come to the realization, and the truth, stop living in the denial of the details of our current population, and all its needs we don't dare make policies for healthcare, education, transportation, or the array of services that the government provides.
Because if we have no idea how many people are in here now, we have no way of knowing how much it will cost, or how to properly plan for the future, so everything is covered.
Please consider this.
You see, our nation knows which industries need people, and how many people we have to support.
We also know of our economic base and taxation, and we have budgets for our various levels of government to provide all the services to all the people.
But what happens when we no longer know how many people are in our nation and we underestimate that number? How can we come up with a good immigration law policy, when we do not even know what the actual population is in the United States? For years, our politicians and government has been using the figure of 12 million people when estimating how many illegal aliens are in our nation.
Actually it's been about 15 years now they've been using that number.
Obviously, many of those illegal aliens have come into our nation and had anchor babies adding to the number of citizens, and there has been a constant increase in the number of illegal aliens coming to live in the United States permanently, but living under the radar.
Until we come to the realization, and the truth, stop living in the denial of the details of our current population, and all its needs we don't dare make policies for healthcare, education, transportation, or the array of services that the government provides.
Because if we have no idea how many people are in here now, we have no way of knowing how much it will cost, or how to properly plan for the future, so everything is covered.
Please consider this.