A DIY Wood Foot Bridge
- 1). Dig a level area at each end of the bridge. The bridge will be at least 3 feet wide, so level at least 5 feet for easy working access during construction.
- 2). Dig 2 feet deep 8-inch wide post holes 3 feet apart on either bank of the stream.
- 3). Cut four 3-feet-long sections from the 4-by-4-inch pressure-treated posts. Insert one post in each hole; mix the concrete with water and fill the holes around the posts. Hold each post upright as you fill the holes. Use a stick to push the concrete into all the nooks and remove any air holes. Allow the concrete to dry overnight.
- 4). Laminate two 2-by-6-inch 12-foot pressure-treated boards together by applying the exterior grade glue and clamping the boards together to create trusses. Drill holes along the length of the trusses every 2 feet. Fill each hole with waterproof exterior grade caulk, insert carriage bolts through the holes, add a washer and tighten a nut on the end of the bolt.
- 5). Span the stream with the trusses, placing them so that the ends are against the inside of the posts you set in concrete. Drill a hole through the truss into the post, fill it with waterproof exterior grade caulk and insert a long carriage bolt. Repeat for all four ends.
- 6). Measure and cut the 8-foot pressure-treated boards in half to create two 4-foot-long boards.
- 7). Lay the pressure-treated boards across the trusses perpendicular to them. Slide two 3-inch nails between adjacent boards to space them properly. Check that the board placement is even and neat before securing the boards to the trusses. Insert two 2 1/2-inch screws through each end of the boards into the truss. Collect the nails from between the boards.