Are Home Security Systems Really Effective?
Whether or not home surveillance systems are truly effective is a question that many home owners are asking themselves at this very moment.
I intend to try and answer this as best as I possibly can in this short but hopefully informational article.
Let's start with some facts.
On average a home is broken into in the United States about once every 11 seconds.
That figure varies depending on the source but in general 11 to 14 seconds is widely accepted.
That is a scary figure, but I'm about to hit you with two more figures that are ever scarier than this.
The first is the average loss that a home owner suffers after being the victim of a home burglary, which is in and around $2000.
That's a hell of a lot and it means that the annual loss per year in the United States is over $3Bn.
Yes, you're reading it correctly, that says three billion US Dollars per year are lost to burglars from the victims of household break-ins.
The next figure I feel is even scarier.
The figures listed above are pretty intimidating, but they can be shrugged off or ignored with the simple thought of 'wow that's bad...
but it'll probably never happen to me'.
Well, I'm afraid to inform you that this next figure will change your mind completely about that.
In the United States it is estimated that about 80% of people will be the victim of some form of burglary at some point in their lives.
Now that is pretty scary and in my opinion is more than enough to convince me to purchase a home security system.
Hopefully you are now as convinced as I of the fact that measures must be taken in order to ensure the security of your home to help as much as you can to protect your possessions and family.
The next question is how to do this in the most effective manner.
There are many ways to go about doing this which are very cheap or indeed even free.
An example of this may be installing outdoor sensor lights for at night time, or simply being vigilant enough to remember to lock your doors and windows each time you leave home.
However by far the most effective method is to purchase and install a home security system.
Home security systems are an excellent investment and can offer fantastic piece of mind in knowing that no matter where you are your home is always secure and monitored.
I intend to try and answer this as best as I possibly can in this short but hopefully informational article.
Let's start with some facts.
On average a home is broken into in the United States about once every 11 seconds.
That figure varies depending on the source but in general 11 to 14 seconds is widely accepted.
That is a scary figure, but I'm about to hit you with two more figures that are ever scarier than this.
The first is the average loss that a home owner suffers after being the victim of a home burglary, which is in and around $2000.
That's a hell of a lot and it means that the annual loss per year in the United States is over $3Bn.
Yes, you're reading it correctly, that says three billion US Dollars per year are lost to burglars from the victims of household break-ins.
The next figure I feel is even scarier.
The figures listed above are pretty intimidating, but they can be shrugged off or ignored with the simple thought of 'wow that's bad...
but it'll probably never happen to me'.
Well, I'm afraid to inform you that this next figure will change your mind completely about that.
In the United States it is estimated that about 80% of people will be the victim of some form of burglary at some point in their lives.
Now that is pretty scary and in my opinion is more than enough to convince me to purchase a home security system.
Hopefully you are now as convinced as I of the fact that measures must be taken in order to ensure the security of your home to help as much as you can to protect your possessions and family.
The next question is how to do this in the most effective manner.
There are many ways to go about doing this which are very cheap or indeed even free.
An example of this may be installing outdoor sensor lights for at night time, or simply being vigilant enough to remember to lock your doors and windows each time you leave home.
However by far the most effective method is to purchase and install a home security system.
Home security systems are an excellent investment and can offer fantastic piece of mind in knowing that no matter where you are your home is always secure and monitored.