Do brainwashing systems eradicate religion and belief in God?
Do brainwashing systems eradicate religion and belief in God?
Brainwashing means changing ones mind by substituting one idea for another. Thus if are decided to use one detergent instead of another, and you happen to substitute it for another after watching an ad on TV then you were subject to brainwashing. Your brain is washed out by another idea and you have submitted yourself tot the effect of the system.
Changing your mind about anything and adopting another idea or action then you have been brainwashed.
If you are an agnostic and do not believe in God and then you happened to be subject to change of mind influence and opt for belief in God then you were subject to brainwashing and change of mind, attitude or action.
Millions of people are subject to brainwashing in their daily lives. Every time a person changes his mind about something then he is brainwashed.
This is clearly seen in the change of attitude of millions of people, even billions of humans, under the aegis of ideologies. Marxist communism is responsible to the brainwashing of billions of people in the last century which is continued in this century.
Marx has proclaimed that ‘religion is the opium of the people' and God did not exist. Lenin has rejected God on the following bases. He declared that ‘the idea of God is the most abominable idea that can ever exist. It must be eradicated from the mind of the peoples, and we should begin this through education of children.'
In the Ex Soviet Union places of religion like Synagogues, Churches and Mosques were destroyed and turned into museums. Education undertook to eradicate religion and God from the mind of the people. Marxism was an incumbent principle subject in primary schools and secondary. I
t was a principle subject at universities. Maoist China and many socialist satellites took over this system and implemented it in their education systems. The result of this is observed in one complete generation in the ex Soviet Union as well as many of its satellites In Africa, Asia and Latin America, eradication God from the minds of the Marxist generation over seventy years.
In China now this is continuing for the system of education of atheism and agnosticism is still applied, as well as in North Korea, and some of the remaining satellites of Marxism.
Over one billion and a half of world population of today is still suffering from this rejection of religion and denial of God. Religious Orthodox practices in the ex Soviet Union under Czarism were replaced by denial of God and rejection of religious thought and feeling. The Soviets were subject to direct to successful brainwashing and religion was substituted fro atheism and agnosticism.
Following the collapse of the Soviets religion was greatly lost but what remained of religious institutions began to emerge with Christian Orthodoxy, Judaism and Islam came back with counter reactionary bursts (Chechnya and Azerbaijan are examples) against the socialist materialist ideology. One billion and four hundred millions of Chinese do not believe in God with some few exceptions of weak hearted Christians and Muslims.
Materialism is another means of killing religion and religious fervor in the hearts of the millions as it does everywhere in the world today, from North America and South America to Europe and Africa and to Asia, Australia is not an exception.
People have gone away from religious feeling and belief in God to materialist existence.
Scientific thinking what proclaims:' I believe in what I see' has dominated thought and rejected faith in religion and in God. Science has replaced religious thought. From the seventeenth century onward scientific logic repulsed religious thought and the Church, as well as the Synagogue and Mosque have lost a lot of their influence.
In short, it is very likely that we are all subject to brainwashing systems especially toughing on our belief systems but only those who are strong in their belief and strong in their hearts and minds can reject any brainwashing and be sincere to their faith an their belief.
Brainwashing means changing ones mind by substituting one idea for another. Thus if are decided to use one detergent instead of another, and you happen to substitute it for another after watching an ad on TV then you were subject to brainwashing. Your brain is washed out by another idea and you have submitted yourself tot the effect of the system.
Changing your mind about anything and adopting another idea or action then you have been brainwashed.
If you are an agnostic and do not believe in God and then you happened to be subject to change of mind influence and opt for belief in God then you were subject to brainwashing and change of mind, attitude or action.
Millions of people are subject to brainwashing in their daily lives. Every time a person changes his mind about something then he is brainwashed.
This is clearly seen in the change of attitude of millions of people, even billions of humans, under the aegis of ideologies. Marxist communism is responsible to the brainwashing of billions of people in the last century which is continued in this century.
Marx has proclaimed that ‘religion is the opium of the people' and God did not exist. Lenin has rejected God on the following bases. He declared that ‘the idea of God is the most abominable idea that can ever exist. It must be eradicated from the mind of the peoples, and we should begin this through education of children.'
In the Ex Soviet Union places of religion like Synagogues, Churches and Mosques were destroyed and turned into museums. Education undertook to eradicate religion and God from the mind of the people. Marxism was an incumbent principle subject in primary schools and secondary. I
t was a principle subject at universities. Maoist China and many socialist satellites took over this system and implemented it in their education systems. The result of this is observed in one complete generation in the ex Soviet Union as well as many of its satellites In Africa, Asia and Latin America, eradication God from the minds of the Marxist generation over seventy years.
In China now this is continuing for the system of education of atheism and agnosticism is still applied, as well as in North Korea, and some of the remaining satellites of Marxism.
Over one billion and a half of world population of today is still suffering from this rejection of religion and denial of God. Religious Orthodox practices in the ex Soviet Union under Czarism were replaced by denial of God and rejection of religious thought and feeling. The Soviets were subject to direct to successful brainwashing and religion was substituted fro atheism and agnosticism.
Following the collapse of the Soviets religion was greatly lost but what remained of religious institutions began to emerge with Christian Orthodoxy, Judaism and Islam came back with counter reactionary bursts (Chechnya and Azerbaijan are examples) against the socialist materialist ideology. One billion and four hundred millions of Chinese do not believe in God with some few exceptions of weak hearted Christians and Muslims.
Materialism is another means of killing religion and religious fervor in the hearts of the millions as it does everywhere in the world today, from North America and South America to Europe and Africa and to Asia, Australia is not an exception.
People have gone away from religious feeling and belief in God to materialist existence.
Scientific thinking what proclaims:' I believe in what I see' has dominated thought and rejected faith in religion and in God. Science has replaced religious thought. From the seventeenth century onward scientific logic repulsed religious thought and the Church, as well as the Synagogue and Mosque have lost a lot of their influence.
In short, it is very likely that we are all subject to brainwashing systems especially toughing on our belief systems but only those who are strong in their belief and strong in their hearts and minds can reject any brainwashing and be sincere to their faith an their belief.