How to Calibrate a Magnavox TV
- 1). Connect your DVD player to your Magnavox TV. Insert your calibration disc into the player and start it up. Sit at eye level to the set, at a comfortable viewing distance. Turn the backlight on your television off, as the backlight can wash out black levels, interfering with proper calibration. Access the backlight by going into your Magnavox TV's settings menu.
- 2). Start by calibrating the black level on your Magnavox TV. Go into your TV's settings menu and select "Brightness." The brightness setting doesn't actually refer to the brightness of the image, but rather the amount of black displayed in the image. Using the test patterns on your calibration disc, adjust the brightness setting until the black areas on your test image appear truly black, instead of a shade of gray. With LCD TVs true blacks are often impossible, so get it as close as you can. With CRTs you can get much closer to true black.
- 3). Adjust the white levels on your Magnavox TV. Again go into the settings menu on your TV and select "Contrast." Much like the brightness setting actually controls the black levels, the contrast setting controls the white levels. Again using the test pattern on your calibration disc, adjust the contrast setting until the white areas appear as close to true white as possible.
- 4). Adjust the image quality. Go into the "Sharpness" setting in your TVs settings menu. Using the image your calibration disc puts on-screen as a guide, adjust the sharpness setting until you achieve and image you are satisfied with.
- 5). Adjust the colors on your Magnavox TV. Depending on your Magnavox model, you will find the color controls labeled as either "Tint," "Saturation," of "Color" in your settings menu. Use the colors bars displayed on-screen by your calibration disc and the plastic color strips included with the disc to calibrate the color. Hold the plastic strip in front of your eyes and adjust the color on your set until the colors on-screen match the color strips.