Difference Between Trade Secrets & Patents
- Gillette has patented several of its shaving products. This gives them the exclusive right to manufacture these products for a specific period of time. After this time, others may manufacture the products in the identical fashion.
- The Coca-Cola Co. has never disclosed all of the ingredients in its cola-flavored soda. In doing this, Coca-Cola ensures that no competitor can ever make the same product.
- A patent is protected by law for 20 years. After this time, anyone has the right to create products for product in the identical way.
- A trade secret is protected from use by others indefinitely. As long as the holders of the trade secret do not disclose it, no one may ever duplicate it.
- Trade secrets can become patents when the holder of the trade secret files the appropriate patent application with the government. A patent cannot become a trade secret, because patents are already public knowledge, and therefore cannot be secrets.
Example of a Patent
Example of a Trade Secret
Length of Protection of a Patent
Length of Protection of a Trade Secret
Interchangeability of Patents & Trade Secrets