Outside Knee Pain
- The iliotibial band is a thick fibrous band that runs from the outside of the hip along the leg down to the knee. The function of the band is to stabilize the knee; especially during activities which involve running. Iliotibial band syndrome is the irritation and inflammation that is caused by a tight or shortened iliotibial band rubbing against the outside of the knee joint through repeated knee flexion and extension
- Symptoms of the condition include pain, tenderness, aching, sharp, stinging or burning on the outside of the knee joint. Sometimes the pain radiates up the thigh.
- Potential risk factors for ITBS include a preexisting tight iliotibial band, a leg length discrepancy, running high weekly mileage, interval training or weak hip abductor muscles.
- Treatment for ITBS involves rest, ice, strengthening the muscles on the outside of the hip (abductors) and stretching the IT band.
- To help prevent ITBS, correct any faulty biomechanics, wear proper footwear and stretch and strengthen the muscles around the hips and knees.
- Meniscus injuries and osteoarthritis can also cause lateral knee pain.
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)
Risk Factors
Other Causes of Lateral Knee Pain