How to Trap a Mosquito
- 1). Cut the 2 liter's top off about an inch above the label with a knife. Set the top of the bottle to the side, for it will be used later on.
- 2). Measure out 7/8 cup hot water with the measuring cup, then add 1/3 cup sugar. Mix the sugar and water together. Let cool to lukewarm.
- 3). Pour the contents of the measuring cup into the 2 liter bottle, then add the tablespoon of yeast. It is not necessary to mix the yeast into the sugar water.
- 4). Take the top of the bottle that was removed earlier, turn it upside down, then insert it into the 2-liter bottle. Push it down enough to seal the edges, without having the mouthpiece touch the liquid.
- 5). Wrap the 2-liter bottle with black paper, then place it in a dark corner of the yard for two weeks. The mosquitoes will be attracted to the darkness that the trap provides, not to mention the carbon dioxide from the fermenting mixture. Once inside, they'll become stuck in the sugary mixture and not be able to escape.