The Dentist is Not Going to Harm You
Medical assistance is not poison The fear of dentists is real and menacing.
It affects people of all ages, all races and all social backgrounds.
This fear is further lionized by popular culture that seeks to portray dentists as some sort of clinical tacticians that will cause you enormous pain at every opportunity.
I have to say that if the fearsome reputation of the dentists were fully deserved, then many of their practices would have closed long time ago.
However we all know that dentistry is thriving which means that most of those tales are just a bunch of rumors.
I do not dispute that there are many rude and impersonal dentists.
In fact I have had the misfortune to be at the receiving end of an uncaring dentist.
However such people exist in every industry and not just dentistry.
It seems to me profoundly unfair to strike at a noble profession on the basis that some few bad apples have chosen to behave in a manner that is less that professional.
If we took that standard to all other professions, the economy would simply be paralyzed by fear.
An overwhelming fear I am not necessarily playing havoc with the real fears of some people.
After all we have phobias for some of the most harmless things in our spectrum of environments.
However it must be said that some levels of fear that have been leveled against the dentist profession are verging on the ridiculous.
There is no logic explanation for all the vitriol yet it sinks deeper and deeper into the consciousness of popular culture.
Hollywood has also taken up the option of sensationalisms as opposed to balance.
After watching some of the horror films that are on offer, you could be forgiven for giving your dentist a wide berth.
It is interesting to examine the attitudes of the profession to this reputation that they have built up? Do some of them revel in the notoriety? Are there sadistic tendencies within the dentist industry, which compel clinicians to enjoy the panic of other? These are dark questions that have never been fully examined by any academician.
Certainly they are not discussed in public.
As for the dentists themselves, it seems that they have decided to take a philosophical stance on things.
In other words they have decided to laugh at themselves before someone else takes the opportunity to laugh at them.
That is why you see the popularization of dentist jokes.
It affects people of all ages, all races and all social backgrounds.
This fear is further lionized by popular culture that seeks to portray dentists as some sort of clinical tacticians that will cause you enormous pain at every opportunity.
I have to say that if the fearsome reputation of the dentists were fully deserved, then many of their practices would have closed long time ago.
However we all know that dentistry is thriving which means that most of those tales are just a bunch of rumors.
I do not dispute that there are many rude and impersonal dentists.
In fact I have had the misfortune to be at the receiving end of an uncaring dentist.
However such people exist in every industry and not just dentistry.
It seems to me profoundly unfair to strike at a noble profession on the basis that some few bad apples have chosen to behave in a manner that is less that professional.
If we took that standard to all other professions, the economy would simply be paralyzed by fear.
An overwhelming fear I am not necessarily playing havoc with the real fears of some people.
After all we have phobias for some of the most harmless things in our spectrum of environments.
However it must be said that some levels of fear that have been leveled against the dentist profession are verging on the ridiculous.
There is no logic explanation for all the vitriol yet it sinks deeper and deeper into the consciousness of popular culture.
Hollywood has also taken up the option of sensationalisms as opposed to balance.
After watching some of the horror films that are on offer, you could be forgiven for giving your dentist a wide berth.
It is interesting to examine the attitudes of the profession to this reputation that they have built up? Do some of them revel in the notoriety? Are there sadistic tendencies within the dentist industry, which compel clinicians to enjoy the panic of other? These are dark questions that have never been fully examined by any academician.
Certainly they are not discussed in public.
As for the dentists themselves, it seems that they have decided to take a philosophical stance on things.
In other words they have decided to laugh at themselves before someone else takes the opportunity to laugh at them.
That is why you see the popularization of dentist jokes.