How to Become a Foster Parent in Williamsport, Pennsylvania
- 1). Contact Children and Youth Services of Lycoming County at 570-326-7895 or visit the office, located at 200 East Street, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Provided you meet the basic requirements, ask for an application for foster-care approval.
- 2). Obtain a physical form and schedule an appointment with a licensed physician. You must be physically able and free of communicable disease to become a foster parent.
- 3). Sign the necessary release forms and agree to the background screening.
- 4). Prepare for the residence inspection. Whether you rent or own a house or apartment, it must meet residence and safety requirements. You will receive a complete list of requirements, including such things as at least one toilet, one wash sink and one bath or shower with hot and cold running water, working furnace or heating system, and telephone.
- 5). Attend mandatory training sessions provided all other requirements are met.