Illinois Link Card Eligibility
- You can use federal SNAP benefits to purchase food items for families who qualify. Families approved for SNAP receive benefits through a Link card. To receive benefits, applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and residents of the state of Illinois. In addition, households must not earn more than 130 percent of poverty level. For example, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a single person household may not earn more than $1,174 and a household of four may not earn more than $2,389 per month, at the time of publication.
- TANF provides a cash benefit through the Illinois Link card. Pregnant women or to women who have dependent children under the age of 19 are eligible for TANF benefits. Married women may also be eligible. Women must be citizens of the U.S. and the state of Illinois, and must follow a plan to become self-sufficient. Women can receive TANF benefits along with SNAP.
- General assistance is a cash benefit through the Link card. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and residents of the state of Illinois and must not be eligible for other programs such as TANF. General assistance recipients may opt not to use the Link card program and instead receive benefits directly into a bank account.
- Prior to using a new Link card, the recipient must select a four digit PIN number by calling the Illinois Department of Human Services or visiting the website. You can use these resources to check Link balances, transaction history and request a new card if the old one is lost or stolen. Cash and SNAP benefits are both deposited on the same Link card; however, they are separate balances.
Link Eligibility Through SNAP
Link Eligibility Through TANF
Link Eligibility Through General Assistance
Requirements to Use Link Card