How to Evolve on Pokemon Red Rescue Team
- 1). Defeat Rayquaza on the ninth level of the Sky Tower.
- 2). Go to Luminous Cave next to Whiscash Pond to the north of Pokemon Square. Your partner will stop you and tell you how to travel with just one lead Pokemon.
- 3). Check your Pokemon's summary page to see if your Pokemon is capable of evolution. Under "Evolution," it will say "Possible," "Not Now" or "No More." To evolve your Pokemon, it should say "Possible" before proceeding. If it does not say "Possible," make sure that your Pokemon is at the required level for evolution and is carrying the required items.
- 4). Enter Luminous Cave only with the Pokemon you want to evolve. A giant crystal in the pit will ask if you would like your Pokemon to evolve. Press "Yes" and your Pokemon will evolve.