Does Brown Steak Mean It Is Spoiled?
Is Brown Steak Safe?
The ideal surface color of fresh, raw beef is cherry red; this may be the color the steak is when we see it in the grocery store, but don't assume that a steak that has turned brown is spoiled. The U.S. Department of Agriculture assures us that brown meat, absent of any other telltale signs of spoilage, is safe to eat. The brown color develops over time due to oxidation, a normal process that takes place during refrigerator storage.
Signs of Spoilage
Spoiled steak will likely have some discoloration, but it may also have other characteristics such as being tacky to the touch or slimy. Any off-putting odor is a sure sign the steak has spoiled and should be discarded. Freezer-burned steak, which is discolored with white patches, is safe to eat, although the quality will be less than ideal; the steak may be salvaged by cutting off the affected areas, but this is not recommended if the freezer burn is extensive.
Storing Steak to Prevent Spoilage
Assuming you purchase the steak before the sell-by or use-by date expires, fresh, raw steak can be kept in its original packaging in the refrigerator for up to five days. You may store it in the freezer for up to one year for best quality, although foods kept at 0 degrees Fahrenheit will last indefinitely -- but not at optimum quality. If you plan to keep your steak in the freezer for more than two months, overwrap the original packaging with aluminum foil or plastic wrap, or put it in a resealable freezer bag.
The E. Coli Difference
Certain bacteria will cause meat to spoil, making their presence known by a foul odor and tacky or slimy texture. However, the bacteria E. coli does not cause any of these changes, making its presence impossible to detect. This makes proper handling and cooking of steak essential. Never leave raw steak at room temperature, even to thaw frozen steak, and cook it to a minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit to kill any bacteria. To safely thaw steak, leave it in the refrigerator overnight.