How Do I Treat My Sinusitis?
Treatment for your sinus infection will generally depend on the severity and the kind of infection you have.
Sometimes, an infection is caused by viruses.
If this is the case, there isn't much that you need to do since viral infections usually resolve on their own in due time.
If you are diagnosed with a bacterial infection, antibiotics are the most common course of treatment prescribed by your physician.
Sometimes, patients would opt for more natural treatments for their sinus infection before going through a course of antibiotics.
Some of the more popular natural or home remedies include: *Steam inhalation - used as a treatment to relieve nasal blockages and discomfort.
You may find your nose feels clearer for a short time after a hot shower or bath.
*Increase in Vitamin intake - Taking vitamin supplements may boost your immune system and help treat or prevent sinusitis symptoms.
Potassium Supplements dries up mucous.
Vitamin A is the best insurance against cold and sinus trouble.
Vitamin A helps build healthy mucous membranes in the head and throat.
*Herbal Teas - Some types of herbal teas help thin out mucous, making it easier to cough out.
* Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air if you are living somewhere with relatively dry atmosphere.
Have your carpets and upholstery checked and cleaned regularly for allergens like molds, pollen and pet dander.
Your pharmacy can also carry more treatment options for you to try which are readily available without prescription.
*Over the counter painkillers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin can be used to relieve a headache, high temperature, and any pain, or tenderness that you may have around the infected area.
Children under 16 years of age should not take aspirin.
Ibuprofen is not recommended for asthmatics.
*Decongestant nasal sprays, or drops, are available without prescription.
They may be useful for relieving a blocked nose, and for helping you to breathe more easily.
If natural or home remedies fail, your doctor will most likely prescribe you with antibiotics.
A course of antibiotics usually last for 14 days.
You should take your medicine continuously and exactly as prescribed, otherwise there is a risk of recurrence of symptoms.
You should see your doctor if your symptoms of sinusitis do not clear or improve after you finish your antibiotics treatment.
Other treatment options may be presented and called for.
If you are diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, your doctor can refer you to an ENT specialist.
An operation called a functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) may be performed to treat your sinus infection.
This is the most common operation for sinusitis and can be very successful in relieving the symptoms.
It involves a surgeon inserting an endoscope (instrument that magnifies the inside of your nose and nasal cavities).
The surgeon will then be able to see the opening of your sinus drainage channels and remove any tissues that are blocking the affected sinus.
This operation will improve your sinus drainage and will help the sinus to function properly.
Sometimes, an infection is caused by viruses.
If this is the case, there isn't much that you need to do since viral infections usually resolve on their own in due time.
If you are diagnosed with a bacterial infection, antibiotics are the most common course of treatment prescribed by your physician.
Sometimes, patients would opt for more natural treatments for their sinus infection before going through a course of antibiotics.
Some of the more popular natural or home remedies include: *Steam inhalation - used as a treatment to relieve nasal blockages and discomfort.
You may find your nose feels clearer for a short time after a hot shower or bath.
*Increase in Vitamin intake - Taking vitamin supplements may boost your immune system and help treat or prevent sinusitis symptoms.
Potassium Supplements dries up mucous.
Vitamin A is the best insurance against cold and sinus trouble.
Vitamin A helps build healthy mucous membranes in the head and throat.
*Herbal Teas - Some types of herbal teas help thin out mucous, making it easier to cough out.
* Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air if you are living somewhere with relatively dry atmosphere.
Have your carpets and upholstery checked and cleaned regularly for allergens like molds, pollen and pet dander.
Your pharmacy can also carry more treatment options for you to try which are readily available without prescription.
*Over the counter painkillers, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin can be used to relieve a headache, high temperature, and any pain, or tenderness that you may have around the infected area.
Children under 16 years of age should not take aspirin.
Ibuprofen is not recommended for asthmatics.
*Decongestant nasal sprays, or drops, are available without prescription.
They may be useful for relieving a blocked nose, and for helping you to breathe more easily.
If natural or home remedies fail, your doctor will most likely prescribe you with antibiotics.
A course of antibiotics usually last for 14 days.
You should take your medicine continuously and exactly as prescribed, otherwise there is a risk of recurrence of symptoms.
You should see your doctor if your symptoms of sinusitis do not clear or improve after you finish your antibiotics treatment.
Other treatment options may be presented and called for.
If you are diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, your doctor can refer you to an ENT specialist.
An operation called a functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) may be performed to treat your sinus infection.
This is the most common operation for sinusitis and can be very successful in relieving the symptoms.
It involves a surgeon inserting an endoscope (instrument that magnifies the inside of your nose and nasal cavities).
The surgeon will then be able to see the opening of your sinus drainage channels and remove any tissues that are blocking the affected sinus.
This operation will improve your sinus drainage and will help the sinus to function properly.