Loving Relationships - The Gift of Laugher and Listening
Quote: "A Big Belly Laugh A Day Can Keep The Doctor Away" Any relationship with another human being has its complexities and challenges, but the relationship with your intimate partner - your lover, spouse, spousal equivalent, significant other, or however you refer to this special person - is one of the most complex and challenging of all.
And yet it is easily one of the most rewarding.
What is remarkable about a good relationship is that it is not only a gift in itself, but it is also a bearer of gifts.
Here, are just 2 gifts that are freely available for both partners in a good and loving relationship: 1.
The gift of laughter.
Most of us are familiar with those "personals" ads that claim the advertiser is looking for someone with "a good sense of humor.
" Some of us might roll our eyes, cynically saying that most people care more about a potential partner's looks or income than his or her sense of humor.
When it comes right down to it, though, having someone to share a good laugh with is one of life's most precious gifts.
And having someone who enjoys and shares your sense of humor is one of the delights of a good relationship.
In fact, in an intimate relationship, laughter can be downright sexy.
The gift of listening.
To have someone who really listens to us is a rare gift, but we often don't appreciate what a gift it is to have someone to whom we can really listen as well.
Listening is the best way I know of to learn about another person.
I believe that each one of us is a boundless mystery and that we can never even know or understand everything about ourselves - much less another human being.
But we can always learn more, and it is that very learning, the continual unfolding of those boundless mysteries that makes such a truly enriching gift.
The best way to experience and appreciate this gift is to listen to each other with your full attention.
(The next time you have a moment leave your technology outside for the time being.
You can always pick it back up after you are done.
, copyright 2008 Leah Schwartz Ph.
And yet it is easily one of the most rewarding.
What is remarkable about a good relationship is that it is not only a gift in itself, but it is also a bearer of gifts.
Here, are just 2 gifts that are freely available for both partners in a good and loving relationship: 1.
The gift of laughter.
Most of us are familiar with those "personals" ads that claim the advertiser is looking for someone with "a good sense of humor.
" Some of us might roll our eyes, cynically saying that most people care more about a potential partner's looks or income than his or her sense of humor.
When it comes right down to it, though, having someone to share a good laugh with is one of life's most precious gifts.
And having someone who enjoys and shares your sense of humor is one of the delights of a good relationship.
In fact, in an intimate relationship, laughter can be downright sexy.
The gift of listening.
To have someone who really listens to us is a rare gift, but we often don't appreciate what a gift it is to have someone to whom we can really listen as well.
Listening is the best way I know of to learn about another person.
I believe that each one of us is a boundless mystery and that we can never even know or understand everything about ourselves - much less another human being.
But we can always learn more, and it is that very learning, the continual unfolding of those boundless mysteries that makes such a truly enriching gift.
The best way to experience and appreciate this gift is to listen to each other with your full attention.
(The next time you have a moment leave your technology outside for the time being.
You can always pick it back up after you are done.
, copyright 2008 Leah Schwartz Ph.