Are Gay People and Straight People Different?
I can answer the question 'What is the difference between gay and straight people?' in one word: nothing.
I truly believe my answer is right, but let me explain.
Stereotypes, unfounded simplistic thoughts about a group of people, lead the general population to think of lesbians as butch male-like woman, and gay men as feminine.
In actual fact only a tiny percentage of lesbians are butch and only a small section of gay men are feminine.
Similarly you get butch woman and feminine men among straight people as well.
That is the first relatively unknown fact that straight people doesn't realize.
In short all male queens aren't gay and all gay men aren't queens.
In this regard there are no difference between straight and gay people.
Some people believe that gay people are more promiscuous.
That is also but a stereotype.
A stereotype that doesn't consider the fact that living with a same-sex partner was illegal in most parts of the world until recently and it still is in many countries.
Obviously, if you are forced into one-night-stands by law, promiscuity isn't necessarily your first choice.
In fact, in countries where same-sex marriages are lawful, promiscuity among gay people dropped considerably.
Gay and straight people laugh at the same jokes (yes, even gay jokes), we cry about the same things, and we have exactly the same needs.
If you surf on Facebook and you have a look at gay people's walls, you will see that most of them yearns for that once in a lifetime partner to grow old with.
Like Shakespeare we can also say: "If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?" Another laughable stereotype is the idea that your children aren't safe with us.
Research has proven beyond a shred of doubt that most child molesters are straight.
You see, most people have but one sexual peculiarity and being gay is more than enough.
In that sense many gay people have kids, just like straight people, and we also try our best to be good parents.
You would probably read this article with a smile in your heart, knowing that there is one unmistakable and undeniable difference.
We are attracted to our own gender and we obviously make love in a different way.
You are right, we do, but isn't that private and privileged and confined to our bedrooms? I don't know about you, but if I evaluate another person his/her bedroom never plays any role in my judgement.
Evaluate gay folk like you evaluate all other human beings and you will find that there is no difference between gay and straight people.
I truly believe my answer is right, but let me explain.
Stereotypes, unfounded simplistic thoughts about a group of people, lead the general population to think of lesbians as butch male-like woman, and gay men as feminine.
In actual fact only a tiny percentage of lesbians are butch and only a small section of gay men are feminine.
Similarly you get butch woman and feminine men among straight people as well.
That is the first relatively unknown fact that straight people doesn't realize.
In short all male queens aren't gay and all gay men aren't queens.
In this regard there are no difference between straight and gay people.
Some people believe that gay people are more promiscuous.
That is also but a stereotype.
A stereotype that doesn't consider the fact that living with a same-sex partner was illegal in most parts of the world until recently and it still is in many countries.
Obviously, if you are forced into one-night-stands by law, promiscuity isn't necessarily your first choice.
In fact, in countries where same-sex marriages are lawful, promiscuity among gay people dropped considerably.
Gay and straight people laugh at the same jokes (yes, even gay jokes), we cry about the same things, and we have exactly the same needs.
If you surf on Facebook and you have a look at gay people's walls, you will see that most of them yearns for that once in a lifetime partner to grow old with.
Like Shakespeare we can also say: "If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?" Another laughable stereotype is the idea that your children aren't safe with us.
Research has proven beyond a shred of doubt that most child molesters are straight.
You see, most people have but one sexual peculiarity and being gay is more than enough.
In that sense many gay people have kids, just like straight people, and we also try our best to be good parents.
You would probably read this article with a smile in your heart, knowing that there is one unmistakable and undeniable difference.
We are attracted to our own gender and we obviously make love in a different way.
You are right, we do, but isn't that private and privileged and confined to our bedrooms? I don't know about you, but if I evaluate another person his/her bedroom never plays any role in my judgement.
Evaluate gay folk like you evaluate all other human beings and you will find that there is no difference between gay and straight people.