How to Get the Most From Your Vacation Pictures
Lets face it there are three parts to any great vacation: 1.
Before you actually leave do you not talk about your plans with your family, colleagues at work and friends? Talking about your upcoming adventure is part of the excitement and the whole vacation experience.
Admit it you do before every vacation.
The actual vacation where your plans come to life and you take those hundreds of digital pictures.
You are now back home and what does everyone, and I mean everyone say.
They all say show me the pictures when they are ready.
Let us review your current procedure as I am sure it is one of the following methods: a.
Piled in a shoe box under bed, I will sort them when I have a chance, I am really busy at work, walking the dog, watching TV or whatever.
You take the pictures into your local photography store and get the normal 6 x 4 pictures which you show friends.
If you are really ambitious they are put in a photo album in order.
Can you remember what each photo is about six months later? c.
Download the pictures to a CD or a web album.
Great if you have a computer but how does the viewer know what the picture is about.
Do you personally ever look at the pictures a second time? d.
Digital Picture Frames is the new method but have limited capacity and again they do not handle oddly sharply picture well or explain what the picture is all about.
The solution is highly addictive: The solution is now really easy, self publish a book.
We are talking about a true to life table top high quality full color book.
Sound expensive, it is actually cheaper than developing those 6 x 4 pictures.
I do a high quality book of about 80 pages after each of my vacations and everyone wants to read it.
With the software available today you just need to drag over your digital pictures of any size and add your own personal comments.
The biggest problem is that creating your own book is very addictive and once you start you will want to work on it day and night.
But once you are finished it takes 5 days or less to have printed and shipped right to your door.
The book making software is a free download and you only pay once you order the book.
There are some poor quality publishers out there so you need to be careful about whom you choose.
Once you get the book you can show anyone at any time, anywhere.
You are more likely to leave it out on a table or on your bookshelf and refer to your experience often.
I know I do.
After you next vacation try something different, it is easier than you think.
This method can also be used for poetry, children's books, cook books, etc.
Before you actually leave do you not talk about your plans with your family, colleagues at work and friends? Talking about your upcoming adventure is part of the excitement and the whole vacation experience.
Admit it you do before every vacation.
The actual vacation where your plans come to life and you take those hundreds of digital pictures.
You are now back home and what does everyone, and I mean everyone say.
They all say show me the pictures when they are ready.
Let us review your current procedure as I am sure it is one of the following methods: a.
Piled in a shoe box under bed, I will sort them when I have a chance, I am really busy at work, walking the dog, watching TV or whatever.
You take the pictures into your local photography store and get the normal 6 x 4 pictures which you show friends.
If you are really ambitious they are put in a photo album in order.
Can you remember what each photo is about six months later? c.
Download the pictures to a CD or a web album.
Great if you have a computer but how does the viewer know what the picture is about.
Do you personally ever look at the pictures a second time? d.
Digital Picture Frames is the new method but have limited capacity and again they do not handle oddly sharply picture well or explain what the picture is all about.
The solution is highly addictive: The solution is now really easy, self publish a book.
We are talking about a true to life table top high quality full color book.
Sound expensive, it is actually cheaper than developing those 6 x 4 pictures.
I do a high quality book of about 80 pages after each of my vacations and everyone wants to read it.
With the software available today you just need to drag over your digital pictures of any size and add your own personal comments.
The biggest problem is that creating your own book is very addictive and once you start you will want to work on it day and night.
But once you are finished it takes 5 days or less to have printed and shipped right to your door.
The book making software is a free download and you only pay once you order the book.
There are some poor quality publishers out there so you need to be careful about whom you choose.
Once you get the book you can show anyone at any time, anywhere.
You are more likely to leave it out on a table or on your bookshelf and refer to your experience often.
I know I do.
After you next vacation try something different, it is easier than you think.
This method can also be used for poetry, children's books, cook books, etc.