Social Media Planning
Social media planning is nothing but planting your business product banners across various Social media platforms and sitting back and waiting for target consumers to read your banners and say Hey, this is what I want ! and next thing you know; your product has moved from your shelf and your cash register has recorded a sale. Thats it. Thats what an effective Social media planning is all about. So all you need to know is - what kind of banner you need to prepare and where should you plant it. Your banner options are:-
Social Media platforms
Articles ( SEO)
Video postings
These are some of the basic podiums you can use for effectively marketing your business product on Social media. Most important is your website. That is the fulcrum around which all other Social media tools can be applied. Social media planning involves questions like:-
What to market?
What is the target of business output desired through social media planning?
To whom to market?
What is the social media planning budget?
Where is the target consumer on social media?
What marketing tools are available on target social media?
What content to post on social media?
How to generate maximum traffic or maximize ad visibility?
How to evaluate the success of Social media planning?
Depending upon the product, its user profile and target consumers social media usage, a mix of these prominent social media tools can be used to promote a business product.
Facebook: Facebook is number one social media platform. Create a Facebook page of your product. Give it a human face. Make it fun to look at and adequately informative about the product. If budget allows, use Facebook paid-ad feature. Add a Facebook button to all business emails and also on the business website. Set up RSS feeds button.
Twitter: It is used mostly by young adult professionals with reasonably high incomes. Create a very simple and catchy twitter hashtag but one which indicates the product. For ex: #herbalsoaps or #petgrooming. Twitter is a very transparent social media platform. You can see who is posting what to whom. Use social media tools like open site explorer to know who all are interacting with your competitors. Bingo! They are your target customers. Tweet and retweet on trends related to your product and send out links of your product and website, Facebook page etc.
LinkedIn: Mostly used by male adult professionals and businessman. Average LinkedIn users annual income is $109,000. It is very descriptive about user profile so reaching target customer is much easier. Create a informative and trendy LinkedIn profile or LinkedIn page. Send messages and invitations to your network and other target groups.
Pinterest: Used mostly by online shopping women, its a treasure drove social media if your product has an appeal for women.
Youtube: Seeing is believing. AV medium is most effective marketing tool. A sleek presentation and a very intelligent keyword usage can attract a lot of traffic. Links to website, Facebook page and more Youtube videos etc can be added to the video. Youtubes sponsored advertisement feature assures more eyeballs than any other medium.
Blog: Blog sites like Myspace, Blogger or WordPress or any other country, region specific blog site can be quite an effective medium. Create a cool blog, sprinkle it with interesting pics, videos and links to your other media and join blog conversations in your product segment. Let your blog be very educative and informative without being overtly soliciting.
Each of these social media platforms can compliment each other and enhance your product awareness multifold and the best part is - its almost #atnocost or #atverylowprice compared to other traditional media. All you need is a small dedicated team of social media savvy professionals who can create and monitor the buzz on social media and know all the Social media tools that are required to add traffic to your websites and your social media pages. If the product is ok and the social media planning is in experienced hands, results can be #simplymindboggling !
Social Media platforms
Articles ( SEO)
Video postings
These are some of the basic podiums you can use for effectively marketing your business product on Social media. Most important is your website. That is the fulcrum around which all other Social media tools can be applied. Social media planning involves questions like:-
What to market?
What is the target of business output desired through social media planning?
To whom to market?
What is the social media planning budget?
Where is the target consumer on social media?
What marketing tools are available on target social media?
What content to post on social media?
How to generate maximum traffic or maximize ad visibility?
How to evaluate the success of Social media planning?
Depending upon the product, its user profile and target consumers social media usage, a mix of these prominent social media tools can be used to promote a business product.
Facebook: Facebook is number one social media platform. Create a Facebook page of your product. Give it a human face. Make it fun to look at and adequately informative about the product. If budget allows, use Facebook paid-ad feature. Add a Facebook button to all business emails and also on the business website. Set up RSS feeds button.
Twitter: It is used mostly by young adult professionals with reasonably high incomes. Create a very simple and catchy twitter hashtag but one which indicates the product. For ex: #herbalsoaps or #petgrooming. Twitter is a very transparent social media platform. You can see who is posting what to whom. Use social media tools like open site explorer to know who all are interacting with your competitors. Bingo! They are your target customers. Tweet and retweet on trends related to your product and send out links of your product and website, Facebook page etc.
LinkedIn: Mostly used by male adult professionals and businessman. Average LinkedIn users annual income is $109,000. It is very descriptive about user profile so reaching target customer is much easier. Create a informative and trendy LinkedIn profile or LinkedIn page. Send messages and invitations to your network and other target groups.
Pinterest: Used mostly by online shopping women, its a treasure drove social media if your product has an appeal for women.
Youtube: Seeing is believing. AV medium is most effective marketing tool. A sleek presentation and a very intelligent keyword usage can attract a lot of traffic. Links to website, Facebook page and more Youtube videos etc can be added to the video. Youtubes sponsored advertisement feature assures more eyeballs than any other medium.
Blog: Blog sites like Myspace, Blogger or WordPress or any other country, region specific blog site can be quite an effective medium. Create a cool blog, sprinkle it with interesting pics, videos and links to your other media and join blog conversations in your product segment. Let your blog be very educative and informative without being overtly soliciting.
Each of these social media platforms can compliment each other and enhance your product awareness multifold and the best part is - its almost #atnocost or #atverylowprice compared to other traditional media. All you need is a small dedicated team of social media savvy professionals who can create and monitor the buzz on social media and know all the Social media tools that are required to add traffic to your websites and your social media pages. If the product is ok and the social media planning is in experienced hands, results can be #simplymindboggling !