How to Become a Yay-Sayer
- 1). Accept the challenge. There's a reason why "Everyone's a critic." Being critical is easy; being positive is not. What will you do? Remain stuck in emotional laziness or grow?
- 2). Start with Number One. Naysayers squash the joy of those around them, but they squash their own joy first and foremost. Become aware of your negative self-talk. How many times do you tell yourself things like: "I'm a failure," "I'm ugly," "I'm stupid," "I'm evil," "I'm wrong?"
- 3). Face fears. Naysaying is rooted fear. When you find yourself bashing another person with your words, stop and consider, "What am I afraid of?"
- 4). Say, "I believe in you." When people tell you about their goals and dreams, do not launch into a tirade about why their goals are impractical, unrealistic or stupid. Instead say, "Go for it! I believe in you completely."
- 5). Give your own dreams permission to thrive. Say "yes" to your deepest longings, no matter how seemingly impractical or impossible.
- 6). Take action. Before you open your trap and begin announcing that you could do better at running the company, giving the speech, teaching the class or writing the novel, do it first. Show your greatness through your actions, not by cutting down others with your word. You cannot criticize until after you've proven that you actually can do it better.
- 7). Watch your compliment to criticism ratio. You don't have to like everybody. You don't have to speak only flowery love. Do, however, make sure that your critiques are valid, and that your positive words outnumber your negative words.
- 8). Remember: You can choose at any moment to be either a naysayer or a yay-sayer. How can you exhibit a resounding "yes!" in the way you speak, think, walk, work, drive, cook, eat, listen, hug, kiss, make love and pray?
- 9). Surround yourself with others who make yay-saying a priority.
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Ignore naysayers.