The Home Church Needs the Power of the Holy Spirit to Witness and Nothing Else
Home church should have continued until today as the church.
We often make big mistakes on small things.
We make mountains out of molehills.
Have we been guilty of it because of the way we made Christianity today? Yes we have been for the past 1900 plus years.
The Lord did not call us to build tall buildings, create wonderful choirs, music and drama teams.
He did not call us for youth, women, children, and hundred more ministries of special groups.
Just before he ascended to heaven, he simply told them to wait in Jerusalem.
He told them wait to receive the Holy Spirit who is going to be their power and enabler.
The purpose is for them to be witnesses or actors.
The home church is the only place where the Holy Spirit can work on individuals effectively.
Today because of the big mistakes we made in small things, the whole purpose of the church is revolving around the building programs and agendas and a few important self-promoted individuals.
God help us.
The disciple needs to wait for the holy spirit to fill and empower him and them just be witnesses.
The holy spirit will do the rest of the work in and through us.
We need not run around run-scarred chickens trying to do thousand things at the same time at the instruction of humans.
We have a wrong notion about what the church is.
We think by doing all kinds of things we do church.
We try to fill the service with terrific show materials.
We are mimicking Hollywood and show business mentality.
We want to put on a good show every Sunday morning for the congregation to be entertained.
We have removed the home church right from the beginning systematically.
We often make big mistakes on small things.
We make mountains out of molehills.
Have we been guilty of it because of the way we made Christianity today? Yes we have been for the past 1900 plus years.
The Lord did not call us to build tall buildings, create wonderful choirs, music and drama teams.
He did not call us for youth, women, children, and hundred more ministries of special groups.
Just before he ascended to heaven, he simply told them to wait in Jerusalem.
He told them wait to receive the Holy Spirit who is going to be their power and enabler.
The purpose is for them to be witnesses or actors.
The home church is the only place where the Holy Spirit can work on individuals effectively.
Today because of the big mistakes we made in small things, the whole purpose of the church is revolving around the building programs and agendas and a few important self-promoted individuals.
God help us.
The disciple needs to wait for the holy spirit to fill and empower him and them just be witnesses.
The holy spirit will do the rest of the work in and through us.
We need not run around run-scarred chickens trying to do thousand things at the same time at the instruction of humans.
We have a wrong notion about what the church is.
We think by doing all kinds of things we do church.
We try to fill the service with terrific show materials.
We are mimicking Hollywood and show business mentality.
We want to put on a good show every Sunday morning for the congregation to be entertained.
We have removed the home church right from the beginning systematically.