Walking in Shape Up Shoes - A Good Physical Fitness Activity or High Priced Marketing Gimmick?
Here's my question, are we in the Shape Up revolution or fitness degeneration? Are Shape Ups really helping people or "is the dumb American will fall for anything" helping shoe companies make millions of dollars? The majority of large multinational shoe companies and fitness gadget making companies are ultimately in business to make as much money as possible.
In America making money, personal appearance, love and relationships are top priorities everybody's lives.
So we all, including me, must keep these truths in mind when it comes to buying things (AKA gimmicks) to help turn our fitness levels around.
Bottom line the items you buy for fitness or physical training are what I call enhancers.
Your foundational physical fitness training must to start with you and only you.
Start by educating yourself on how to treat your body like a temple.
People tend to value things in their lives more than they value their bodies.
Are you a person who puts premium fuel in your vehicles or buys expensive cigars and keep them in a special room with a humidifier? Those are just a few items that receive special attention.
The body is so durable and adaptable that some people have lived for years eating fast food and drinking lots of alcohol, and to the misfortune of others it has led to an early death.
To do all the wonderful things this world has to offer we must be in good physical condition.
As the saying goes, garbage in garbage out, make sure you are putting the highest quality foods and supplements into your body that you can afford.
We humans have lost the simple and true methods of health that kept our ancestors living vibrant healthy lives.
Modern medicine and technologies like penicillin and the artificial heart have saved and extended lives.
To our degradation, these advances have also led to modern humans taking unhealthy risks and accepting a lower standard of physical existence.
Based on my experience and training I know the human mind and body is capable of amazing things.
Before we had equipment to enhance physical training our species through necessity and nature solved the physical fitness conundrum without even trying, it just happened through normal everyday activity.
The key term being activity.
So remember to always keep a historical perspective in mind when it comes to physical fitness.
It does not matter how many gadgets and gizmos you buy, you ultimately control your own level of fitness.
One final note, you cannot buy a pair of Shape Up shoes and expect to get toned and shapely in a matter of weeks just by walking around in a shoe that simulates walking in sand.
Be realistic, physical fitness is more than just a pair of shoes or a piece of equipment.
Fitness enhancers can become a crutch and even slow down your progress toward your ultimate physical fitness goals.
In America making money, personal appearance, love and relationships are top priorities everybody's lives.
So we all, including me, must keep these truths in mind when it comes to buying things (AKA gimmicks) to help turn our fitness levels around.
Bottom line the items you buy for fitness or physical training are what I call enhancers.
Your foundational physical fitness training must to start with you and only you.
Start by educating yourself on how to treat your body like a temple.
People tend to value things in their lives more than they value their bodies.
Are you a person who puts premium fuel in your vehicles or buys expensive cigars and keep them in a special room with a humidifier? Those are just a few items that receive special attention.
The body is so durable and adaptable that some people have lived for years eating fast food and drinking lots of alcohol, and to the misfortune of others it has led to an early death.
To do all the wonderful things this world has to offer we must be in good physical condition.
As the saying goes, garbage in garbage out, make sure you are putting the highest quality foods and supplements into your body that you can afford.
We humans have lost the simple and true methods of health that kept our ancestors living vibrant healthy lives.
Modern medicine and technologies like penicillin and the artificial heart have saved and extended lives.
To our degradation, these advances have also led to modern humans taking unhealthy risks and accepting a lower standard of physical existence.
Based on my experience and training I know the human mind and body is capable of amazing things.
Before we had equipment to enhance physical training our species through necessity and nature solved the physical fitness conundrum without even trying, it just happened through normal everyday activity.
The key term being activity.
So remember to always keep a historical perspective in mind when it comes to physical fitness.
It does not matter how many gadgets and gizmos you buy, you ultimately control your own level of fitness.
One final note, you cannot buy a pair of Shape Up shoes and expect to get toned and shapely in a matter of weeks just by walking around in a shoe that simulates walking in sand.
Be realistic, physical fitness is more than just a pair of shoes or a piece of equipment.
Fitness enhancers can become a crutch and even slow down your progress toward your ultimate physical fitness goals.