How to Avoid Bear Attacks
- 1). Keep your campsite tidy. Leaving food out overnight is a guaranteed way to attract all wildlife, including bears looking for an easy meal.
- 2). Put all food in rucksacks overnight and suspend them above the ground with rope. For extra protection, hang them from trees a distance away from your camp.
- 3). Ensure all animals with you, such as dogs, are always kept on a leash.
- 4). Dispose of rubbish properly. Do not just throw it on the ground. This will not only attract bears but is damaging to the local environment.
- 5). Look out for signs of bears, like paw prints, in the area. If any are found, move away from the area as quickly as possible.
- 6). Leave the area if a dead animal carcass is found. It might not have been a bear that killed it, but the smell may attract them.
- 7). Make plenty of noise when walking. Bears are scared of humans, and this will warn them off.
- 8). Do not run away and make noise if you encounter a bear. A bear will easily outrun a person, and loud noises might force it to protect itself.
- 9). Assume a non-threatening position. Stand sideways and bend down to make yourself appear less threatening.
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Use bear spray if a bear charges at you. This is a version of pepper spray similar to what the police use. - 11
Get into the fetal position if a bear attacks. Your backpack will protect you from behind, so it is important to protect your stomach area.