Use Online Social Networking to Help Build Your Business
I remember a time, as I am sure many of you have, back in high school (for some of us, way back in high school), that being popular was the "in thing".
The popular kids seemed to get the breaks, the perks, the girls (or attention from the guys for you ladies).
Some people might grow to resent that.
For whatever reason, they dressed nice, came from a more well to do family, they were more athletic and so on.
Fast forward to today and the internet generation.
There is a term floating out there called Web 2.
No it is not the latest version of some technology tool crafted by Microsoft.
The term is used to describe the direction the internet has moved to and that is social networking.
Social networking is the means by which you socialize online and network with others through a variety of web sites.
You might be doing it already and not even know it.
If you are on Facebook or MySpace, then yes you are already engaging in the practice of social networking.
Online socialization is the new wave and should be utilized even for your business, products or services.
If you do not have a profile on these social networking sites yet, you should create one.
It is free of charge and gives you a nice way to get the word out about who you are and what you have to offer.
If you do not think networking online is that important then just take a quick glance at MySpace.
On there you will see everything from business socializing to get the word out on products they are offering just in time for the Easter holiday, to NASCAR`s Chase for the cup series.
Businesses are on there to socialize, add people (customers) to their friends list, and so much more.
Get started socializing online so you can build your customer base.
Its not an overnight process, but with some time and good online social skills, you can become that "super" popular person that existed way back in high school, only now it translates into sales.
By: Bruce A.
The popular kids seemed to get the breaks, the perks, the girls (or attention from the guys for you ladies).
Some people might grow to resent that.
For whatever reason, they dressed nice, came from a more well to do family, they were more athletic and so on.
Fast forward to today and the internet generation.
There is a term floating out there called Web 2.
No it is not the latest version of some technology tool crafted by Microsoft.
The term is used to describe the direction the internet has moved to and that is social networking.
Social networking is the means by which you socialize online and network with others through a variety of web sites.
You might be doing it already and not even know it.
If you are on Facebook or MySpace, then yes you are already engaging in the practice of social networking.
Online socialization is the new wave and should be utilized even for your business, products or services.
If you do not have a profile on these social networking sites yet, you should create one.
It is free of charge and gives you a nice way to get the word out about who you are and what you have to offer.
If you do not think networking online is that important then just take a quick glance at MySpace.
On there you will see everything from business socializing to get the word out on products they are offering just in time for the Easter holiday, to NASCAR`s Chase for the cup series.
Businesses are on there to socialize, add people (customers) to their friends list, and so much more.
Get started socializing online so you can build your customer base.
Its not an overnight process, but with some time and good online social skills, you can become that "super" popular person that existed way back in high school, only now it translates into sales.
By: Bruce A.