7 Highly Effective Habits of Successful Bloggers
There are habits that successful Bloggers exude that you should be able to follow to be able to achieve their feats too.
Remember the adage that says 'you only need to climb the shoulder of a rich man to be richer than him (simply means learning and accepting mentoring from him).
Let's go there now and begin to learn from them; 1.
They are good writers; Successful bloggers are good writers; 'At least they try to do their best at writing'.
Writing may not be very interesting for some but it's sure the very essence for blogging.
As you continue to write your posts, you will continue to develop your skills in writing and get more confident doing it.
They blog consistently; For you to be successful blogging, you need to regularly posts write-ups on your blog.
Consistency shows you're in business and taking your business seriously.
As you continually post to your blog, you start to get more followers and that increases your traffic.
They are natural about their post; A blogger needs to write freely, devoid of fake write-ups.
When you write, do so naturally, not following another writer's style or methods.
You need to go with your own flow and rhythm.
By so doing, your audience knows you're for real and not a fake; that earns you respect and traffic.
They know how to brand themselves; Highly successful bloggers know how to brand themselves.
Branding is creating a niche area for oneself, it is letting your readers know what you are about such that they know and understand the logic and methods of your discussions.
Branding ensures people are able to tell the difference between your blog and others.
This will have to go for your site presentation and other matters that concern your blog.
Begin with the end in mind; Every successful blogger already has the end in mind from the start.
As a starter blogger, you should have what you plan to achieve from your blog in mind and be able to visualize the end from the beginning.
By so doing, you are able to follow a discrete pattern of production to achieving your set goal.
They enjoy criticism; Successful bloggers are the most loved and also the most crucified.
If you want to be very successful blogging, then you must be ready for the cross nailing, because you will be criticized.
When you begin to get criticism that's when your success begins to come.
because with criticism comes fame.
Are seriously Evil or Good; If you really want to make millions from blogging, then your outlook and presentation has to reflect it.
First you have to decide to be either good or bad.
Somebody like John Chow is naturally Evil (bad guy) while Darren Rowse of problogger plays the good guy, either way they both are making very large chunk of money doing what they know to do best.
Being evil does not mean you hurt people.
Its just your style of presentation on your blog.
Remember the adage that says 'you only need to climb the shoulder of a rich man to be richer than him (simply means learning and accepting mentoring from him).
Let's go there now and begin to learn from them; 1.
They are good writers; Successful bloggers are good writers; 'At least they try to do their best at writing'.
Writing may not be very interesting for some but it's sure the very essence for blogging.
As you continue to write your posts, you will continue to develop your skills in writing and get more confident doing it.
They blog consistently; For you to be successful blogging, you need to regularly posts write-ups on your blog.
Consistency shows you're in business and taking your business seriously.
As you continually post to your blog, you start to get more followers and that increases your traffic.
They are natural about their post; A blogger needs to write freely, devoid of fake write-ups.
When you write, do so naturally, not following another writer's style or methods.
You need to go with your own flow and rhythm.
By so doing, your audience knows you're for real and not a fake; that earns you respect and traffic.
They know how to brand themselves; Highly successful bloggers know how to brand themselves.
Branding is creating a niche area for oneself, it is letting your readers know what you are about such that they know and understand the logic and methods of your discussions.
Branding ensures people are able to tell the difference between your blog and others.
This will have to go for your site presentation and other matters that concern your blog.
Begin with the end in mind; Every successful blogger already has the end in mind from the start.
As a starter blogger, you should have what you plan to achieve from your blog in mind and be able to visualize the end from the beginning.
By so doing, you are able to follow a discrete pattern of production to achieving your set goal.
They enjoy criticism; Successful bloggers are the most loved and also the most crucified.
If you want to be very successful blogging, then you must be ready for the cross nailing, because you will be criticized.
When you begin to get criticism that's when your success begins to come.
because with criticism comes fame.
Are seriously Evil or Good; If you really want to make millions from blogging, then your outlook and presentation has to reflect it.
First you have to decide to be either good or bad.
Somebody like John Chow is naturally Evil (bad guy) while Darren Rowse of problogger plays the good guy, either way they both are making very large chunk of money doing what they know to do best.
Being evil does not mean you hurt people.
Its just your style of presentation on your blog.