Being A Light in A Dark World.
Ever time I set down to write I always ask God what He wants me to say, for in me is nothing important.
My Sermons come from the Inspiration of God.
I hear on a daily basis, of many Christians in need, from the poor to the rich.
People seeking aid, answers and reasons for their dilemma.
I am writing a young lady with an extreme problem, I write Churches that sometimes, but most often, need revival within itself.
As for the poor, Jesus said that we would always have the poor with us.
There is nothing that we can do, to really help them.
The shear magnitude of the problem prevents us from making a difference.
Most times there are government officials that steal the aid before it arrives to those in need.
When it does arrive, Warring factions most often steal it away from those that need it and say that, "We are going to Liberate you, so we need the food more than you.
" Buying food for a day or two doesn't help them, even for a year is little to alleviate the persistent problem.
We still must continue to aid where and when we can, but we must not feed them only, but address the problems.
Most of the problems around the world are controlled by one factor, mans refusal to accept Jesus as Lord and Christ.
God stated that famine will encompass this world and it is coming to pass.
There are so many that have been deceived and diluted into believing that there are gods many and lords many, afraid to ask questions for fear of their life, they go as a sheep to the slaughter, their head down and their throat exposed.
This darkness grows by the minute and the Spirit of Anti-Christ also grows.
If we cant see that the end is growing closer, then we, as the "Light of the World", are also in darkness.
Have you ever tried to look into a mirror, then close your eyes for a minute, and try to remember what you looked like? Its the same way it is with being a light, sometimes we forget what we are all about, our light gets a little softer, not as bright.
We cannot fear the darkness but we must illuminate it.
When light and dark comes together, it turns gray, a little less notable, a little less recognizable and a little less helpful.
Every country around the world is in the same condition and it gets worse by the minuet.
When we go to bed at night some one in their daytime is being killed, starving to death, raped, murdered, sacrificed and recruited into the depth of utter darkness as a suicide bomber.
The Apostle Paul stated that, Within Himself there was no good thing.
Understanding our relationship with God is of the utmost importance along with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His word.
I have made mistakes in my Ministry, and I am the first to admit it.
We are not perfect and neither can we be, until the time of Rejoicing with Jesus takes place.
Even the Apostle Paul stated that He had not attained perfection but was still striving for it.
But even with our faults, we must still be a light.
A light in a dark world that is traveling down the road to death and destruction.
In Matthew 4:16, we see the effects of being a light in a dark world; " The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.
" many are on the streets seeking after a good feeling and answers as to their purpose in life.
Many have given up on trying to be a citizen of any country and only live for the day, hoping to get a bit of food from somewhere.
Multitudes are blinded to the light by problems and situations that they have found themselves in.
Others have been taught as a Child to not expect any thing good in this life.
In Luke 1:79, we see a reason to give light in a dark world.
" To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
" To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, the darkness of sin and the shadow of eternal death without hope nor escape.
A Darkness without the Father.
We have read before;" Ye, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;" The valley spoken of here is the outside world that we step into each and every day.
We must be a light, if not, we may have the blood of those that we could have shown the way, on our hands.
There is no super Christian, at least I haven't seen one.
We are all the light, shining together as one to open up the darkness and show the way of peace, peace not in this life but rather into the next.
Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
If therefore thine eye be single, meaning that ones purpose in life must be to please the Father in Spirit, without any other agenda.
We are sent into the world to fulfill the will of our Father.
Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men (Your Testimony of Jesus.
), that they may see your good works (These are the works and actions of not only of the Spirit but also of the flesh.
), and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
(Seeking only to Glorify God and not of ourselves.
) Luke 11:35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.
( Let not your light be one of self glorification.
Keeping your mission always to gain souls for Gods kingdom and not trying to set up your own.
) John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
The darkness in this world is choking multitudes, killing them from within.
The light that we shine is not accepted to many that prefer the darkness and many do not understand the willingness of a Loving God to Save them.
Jesus warned us that there will come a time when the darkness of this world will be so great, that no man will be able to work.
Is that time now, or is it near.
Let us always be a light, because our work shall soon be over and the night will fall.
Is it so hard Being A Light in a Dark World.
My Sermons come from the Inspiration of God.
I hear on a daily basis, of many Christians in need, from the poor to the rich.
People seeking aid, answers and reasons for their dilemma.
I am writing a young lady with an extreme problem, I write Churches that sometimes, but most often, need revival within itself.
As for the poor, Jesus said that we would always have the poor with us.
There is nothing that we can do, to really help them.
The shear magnitude of the problem prevents us from making a difference.
Most times there are government officials that steal the aid before it arrives to those in need.
When it does arrive, Warring factions most often steal it away from those that need it and say that, "We are going to Liberate you, so we need the food more than you.
" Buying food for a day or two doesn't help them, even for a year is little to alleviate the persistent problem.
We still must continue to aid where and when we can, but we must not feed them only, but address the problems.
Most of the problems around the world are controlled by one factor, mans refusal to accept Jesus as Lord and Christ.
God stated that famine will encompass this world and it is coming to pass.
There are so many that have been deceived and diluted into believing that there are gods many and lords many, afraid to ask questions for fear of their life, they go as a sheep to the slaughter, their head down and their throat exposed.
This darkness grows by the minute and the Spirit of Anti-Christ also grows.
If we cant see that the end is growing closer, then we, as the "Light of the World", are also in darkness.
Have you ever tried to look into a mirror, then close your eyes for a minute, and try to remember what you looked like? Its the same way it is with being a light, sometimes we forget what we are all about, our light gets a little softer, not as bright.
We cannot fear the darkness but we must illuminate it.
When light and dark comes together, it turns gray, a little less notable, a little less recognizable and a little less helpful.
Every country around the world is in the same condition and it gets worse by the minuet.
When we go to bed at night some one in their daytime is being killed, starving to death, raped, murdered, sacrificed and recruited into the depth of utter darkness as a suicide bomber.
The Apostle Paul stated that, Within Himself there was no good thing.
Understanding our relationship with God is of the utmost importance along with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His word.
I have made mistakes in my Ministry, and I am the first to admit it.
We are not perfect and neither can we be, until the time of Rejoicing with Jesus takes place.
Even the Apostle Paul stated that He had not attained perfection but was still striving for it.
But even with our faults, we must still be a light.
A light in a dark world that is traveling down the road to death and destruction.
In Matthew 4:16, we see the effects of being a light in a dark world; " The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.
" many are on the streets seeking after a good feeling and answers as to their purpose in life.
Many have given up on trying to be a citizen of any country and only live for the day, hoping to get a bit of food from somewhere.
Multitudes are blinded to the light by problems and situations that they have found themselves in.
Others have been taught as a Child to not expect any thing good in this life.
In Luke 1:79, we see a reason to give light in a dark world.
" To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
" To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, the darkness of sin and the shadow of eternal death without hope nor escape.
A Darkness without the Father.
We have read before;" Ye, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;" The valley spoken of here is the outside world that we step into each and every day.
We must be a light, if not, we may have the blood of those that we could have shown the way, on our hands.
There is no super Christian, at least I haven't seen one.
We are all the light, shining together as one to open up the darkness and show the way of peace, peace not in this life but rather into the next.
Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
If therefore thine eye be single, meaning that ones purpose in life must be to please the Father in Spirit, without any other agenda.
We are sent into the world to fulfill the will of our Father.
Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men (Your Testimony of Jesus.
), that they may see your good works (These are the works and actions of not only of the Spirit but also of the flesh.
), and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
(Seeking only to Glorify God and not of ourselves.
) Luke 11:35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.
( Let not your light be one of self glorification.
Keeping your mission always to gain souls for Gods kingdom and not trying to set up your own.
) John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
The darkness in this world is choking multitudes, killing them from within.
The light that we shine is not accepted to many that prefer the darkness and many do not understand the willingness of a Loving God to Save them.
Jesus warned us that there will come a time when the darkness of this world will be so great, that no man will be able to work.
Is that time now, or is it near.
Let us always be a light, because our work shall soon be over and the night will fall.
Is it so hard Being A Light in a Dark World.