Wife Led Relationship-Tradition Men Lead Relationships
Tradition states that the husband is not only in charge of the marriage relationship, but that they are also in charge of their wives.
More and more people are considering such well-defined roles as being out of date, if not downright sexist.
The wife led relationship is being tried by a growing number of couples, but is it right for you and your marriage?
Before you can answer that question, you have to define what the term "wife led relationship" means to you.
Most people would say that it goes way beyond an even partnership, and that it puts the wife in charge of the marriage.
She makes all of the decisions and is in control of what happens in the home and in the relationship.
The husband may have a varying degree of input on certain matters, but the ultimate decision is made by the wife when there is a disagreement.
The husband's role in the marriage will be largely defined by the wife, though there are varying degrees of a wife led relationship.
In some cases the husband will get some say in matters, and in some cases they will be virtually silent, and rather subservient to their wife.
Does such an arrangement give the wife too much power?
Aren't modern marriages more about teamwork and each person having a voice?
Defining the amount of power can be a tricky thing in a marriage, and it often comes down to nothing more than a gut feeling.
The most successful marriages are the result of teamwork, but it is not unusual for one spouse to have the final say in various matters.
A wife led relationship is usually a matter of degrees, as it's next to impossible for anyone to make every single decision in a relationship.
Even if the wife would have 100% control, it could still work, in theory, but it would require doing things a certain way.
The wise wife in such a situation would welcome input from her husband and then she would carefully consider his point of view before she made her final decision.
The reality is that it wouldn't be easy to do it this way, so some level of teamwork is recommended.
For example, the wife could take the lead when it comes to financial decisions, while the husband could take the lead on chores.
To be fair, a lot of guys do not like the idea of being in a wife led relationship; they think it takes away from their manhood.
Therefore, it's best to discuss this possibility well before you get married.
That way there aren't any surprises later on in the marriage.
Husbands who are in such a marriage like not being responsible for everything and they find it can be a relief to turn more things over to their wife.
A wife led relationship requires a strong wife who can handle it.
The best marriages are still those that value the contributions from both spouses, so don't make the mistake of giving too much control to one spouse over the other.
More and more people are considering such well-defined roles as being out of date, if not downright sexist.
The wife led relationship is being tried by a growing number of couples, but is it right for you and your marriage?
Before you can answer that question, you have to define what the term "wife led relationship" means to you.
Most people would say that it goes way beyond an even partnership, and that it puts the wife in charge of the marriage.
She makes all of the decisions and is in control of what happens in the home and in the relationship.
The husband may have a varying degree of input on certain matters, but the ultimate decision is made by the wife when there is a disagreement.
The husband's role in the marriage will be largely defined by the wife, though there are varying degrees of a wife led relationship.
In some cases the husband will get some say in matters, and in some cases they will be virtually silent, and rather subservient to their wife.
Does such an arrangement give the wife too much power?
Aren't modern marriages more about teamwork and each person having a voice?
Defining the amount of power can be a tricky thing in a marriage, and it often comes down to nothing more than a gut feeling.
The most successful marriages are the result of teamwork, but it is not unusual for one spouse to have the final say in various matters.
A wife led relationship is usually a matter of degrees, as it's next to impossible for anyone to make every single decision in a relationship.
Even if the wife would have 100% control, it could still work, in theory, but it would require doing things a certain way.
The wise wife in such a situation would welcome input from her husband and then she would carefully consider his point of view before she made her final decision.
The reality is that it wouldn't be easy to do it this way, so some level of teamwork is recommended.
For example, the wife could take the lead when it comes to financial decisions, while the husband could take the lead on chores.
To be fair, a lot of guys do not like the idea of being in a wife led relationship; they think it takes away from their manhood.
Therefore, it's best to discuss this possibility well before you get married.
That way there aren't any surprises later on in the marriage.
Husbands who are in such a marriage like not being responsible for everything and they find it can be a relief to turn more things over to their wife.
A wife led relationship requires a strong wife who can handle it.
The best marriages are still those that value the contributions from both spouses, so don't make the mistake of giving too much control to one spouse over the other.