Reasons for Choosing Voice over IP
If you work in an organization using an intranet or extranet, you can still access your office from home through VoIP. You can convert your home into a segment of the office and remotely use the voice, fax and data services of your workplace through the organization’s intranet. The portable nature of the VoIP technology is causing it to gain popularity as the trend is towards portable commodities.Portable hardware is becoming more and more common, as are portable services, and VoIP fits in well.
Fax over IP
The problems of fax services using PSTN are high cost for long distances, quality attenuation in the analog signals and incompatibility between communicating machines. Real-time fax transmission on VoIP simply uses a fax interface to convert the data into packets and ensures complete delivery of the data in a very reliable way. With VoIP, there is finally not even the need for a fax machine for sending and receiving fax. Read more on fax over IP here.More productive software development
VoIP is able to combine different data types and to make routing and signaling more flexible and robust. As a result, network application developers will find it easier to develop and deploy emerging applications for data communication using VoIP. Moreover, the possibility of implementing VoIP software in web browsers and servers gives a more productive and competitive edge to e-commerce and customer service applications. Read more on VoIP software development here.