Say "I'm Sorry" to Your Boyfriend – Ways to Get Him to Forgive You
So you need to say "I'm sorry" to your boyfriend. Obviously you did something that caused him to be upset or angry with you. It's hard when you hurt the person you love. If that hurt reaches into the area of betrayal, you're facing even more trouble. It's difficult to know exactly what to say or do to get the man you love to forgive you. Typically you have one chance to make things right depending on the severity of your mistake. Don't mess with this. You need to know exactly what to do to put the mistake in the past and move forward together.
The best way to say "I'm sorry" to your boyfriend is to be direct and genuine. You may think he'll forgive you sooner or let the past be in the past if you send along a gift with that apology. Don't do that. He may take it the wrong way and assume you're trying too hard because you feel extra guilty. Obviously you do feel badly for the mistake but you need to own up to it in a responsible manner. No trying to buy back his love. Just let him know that you regret your actions and that's it.
One big part of getting your boyfriend to forgive you after you've made a mistake is to show him that you've changed. Whatever you did that hurt him is something you won't be doing again. Telling him that won't have nearly the same impact as showing him that. If you can demonstrate, through your actions, that you've learned your lesson and you are mature enough to recognize the error of your ways, he'll be impressed.
As much as you wish you could erase the past overnight, you can't. Rebuilding a relationship, whether it's after an argument or after an affair, takes time. It's not something you can rush. You have to let your boyfriend set the pace for the healing process. Don't continually bring up what you did wrong and don't apologize for it over and over again. You both need to move past it if you hope to save the relationship.
Don't beat yourself up too much over what you did. We all do mistakes and those with strength do learn from them. Let your behavior now speak for who you really are. In time your boyfriend will come to see the best in you and the mistake you made will be nothing but a distant memory to him.
The best way to say "I'm sorry" to your boyfriend is to be direct and genuine. You may think he'll forgive you sooner or let the past be in the past if you send along a gift with that apology. Don't do that. He may take it the wrong way and assume you're trying too hard because you feel extra guilty. Obviously you do feel badly for the mistake but you need to own up to it in a responsible manner. No trying to buy back his love. Just let him know that you regret your actions and that's it.
One big part of getting your boyfriend to forgive you after you've made a mistake is to show him that you've changed. Whatever you did that hurt him is something you won't be doing again. Telling him that won't have nearly the same impact as showing him that. If you can demonstrate, through your actions, that you've learned your lesson and you are mature enough to recognize the error of your ways, he'll be impressed.
As much as you wish you could erase the past overnight, you can't. Rebuilding a relationship, whether it's after an argument or after an affair, takes time. It's not something you can rush. You have to let your boyfriend set the pace for the healing process. Don't continually bring up what you did wrong and don't apologize for it over and over again. You both need to move past it if you hope to save the relationship.
Don't beat yourself up too much over what you did. We all do mistakes and those with strength do learn from them. Let your behavior now speak for who you really are. In time your boyfriend will come to see the best in you and the mistake you made will be nothing but a distant memory to him.