Track Cyclist Training
- Bicycles used for track racing have no gears or breaks. The bikes have a fixed wheel which forces you to pedal continuously. The cyclist controls his speed by applying pressure to the pedals. Track cycles are split into two main categories. Upright bikes have standard dropped handlebars and the wheels are spoked or carbon spoked. Low-profile cycles have extended handlebars which allow you to achieve a much more aerodynamic riding position. The wheels of a low-profile bike are four-spoke carbon or carbon disc. Control and maneuverability are reduced to achieve greater aerodynamic capabilities. Upright cycles are used in Keirin, match sprint and bunch competitions. Low-profile cycles are used in kilo, 500 meter time trial and pursuit competitions
- “Taking laps” is one of the most basic training exercises for track cycling. This exercise is often used to improve general fitness and overall performance. The track coach will instruct the riders to ride in single file at a pace the coach thinks is appropriate. Once the riders are in formation they will be instructed to ride up the sides of the velodrome to the blue line, where they are to continue to ride, maintaining the required pace. The track cycling coach instructs the front rider to drop down the velodrome to the flat part of the track indicated by a black line. The cyclist will accelerate as he descends and need to race around the track in the quickest time possible to gain a lap on the other cyclists. As the cyclist catches up to the group, he must ride up the velodrome banking and rejoin the back of the group. At this point the coach will indicate for the next rider leading the group to take his turn.
- Slalom training is another basic exercise used for track cycle training. The riders position themselves roughly two bike lengths away from each other, cycling around the incline at the midway point. The track coach uses a whistle to the rider at the back of the group who has to make his way to the front of the group by weaving in and out of the gaps between the other cyclists. The rider should pass the other riders at a distance of approximately shoulder width apart. This exercise is used to help build confidence and to practice maintaining speed.
- Lap change is a basic exercise in which the rider leading the group rides straight on after a set number of laps, so that he cycles higher up the incline, while the other cyclists ride straight on. The rider slows as he rides higher up the incline, and then drops down at the back of the group. All riders take turns to perform this maneuver.
- Track cyclists train at the gym, as well as on the track. They will each have their own training regime, tailored to improve any weaknesses or areas in need of improvement highlighted by their coach. Areas requiring improvement may include general fitness, strength, lung capacity and stamina.
Lap Training
Lap Changes
Other Training